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That was what everyone was feeling right now, they were shocked at the situation they were now put in.

The atmosphere was heavy, whilst the group of girls struggled to come to terms with the sudden turn of events. Confusion and disbelief rippled through them all.

The group of friends found themselves in a bustling train station, surrounded by a sea of strangers. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry, rushing past without even sparing a second glance at them.

While the group appeared disoriented and unfamiliar with their surroundings. Some of them gazed around the station with a perplexed expression.

While some nervously shifted their weight from side to side. It was as if they had been plucked from their own world and thrust into this new one, without any context or explanation. The train rumbled into the station.

The group of friends was confused. Well until they got hit by their own reflection. The sudden impact jolted them out of their confusion.

"Yoooo, fuck happen to my curls?" One girl in the group wonders out loud, looking in a little disbelief. She pulled at her suddenly wavy light blonde hair and touched her face. 

It was a drastic change from her usual appearance and she couldn't believe what was happening. She didn't recognize herself anymore.

"AYE, WHAT THE FUCK!? HELL NAH!!" Another exclaimed whilst her face scrunched up, clearly not happy with the lumpy hair appearing on the front of her head.

The situation remains unresolved, leaving her to grapple with their new look and the sudden change in her identity.

"OH MY STARS!" One with a fake pair of glasses jokingly gasped, putting both hands on their cheek. 

The tension dissipated as everyone stopped panicking and looked at the person who had a goofy smile on her face. 

They all deadpan at her. "Kill yourself." The one with the yellow highlighter, utters out bluntly. And another joins in. 

"BITCH SHUT YOUR FUCKING ASS UP!!!" The girl with long slick black hair yells as she then proceeds to go back to looking at the mirror, The girl continues to stroke her hair, a puzzled expression on her face.

The joking girl slumped down at what her friend had just shouted and sighed loudly. "She sighs heavily through the wind." She mutters out, talking In third person.

"Y'all, we're in the fucking 2000s, look what I found in my pocket.." The highlighter girl said whilst she took out a flip phone from her pocket.

The others stared at the outdated device in disbelief, realizing that somehow they had been transported back in time.

The exclamation "OH, MY GOD" was quickly followed as the girl with glasses gasped, clasping her mouth shut in a state of shock.

"What?" The girl with light blonde hair asked as she looked at her friend.

"Where in a goddam Anime." The highlighter blonde finished as her left eye began to twitch.

"Huh, fuck you mean Takemichi!?" Yelled Makoto in confusion, she then stopped yelling and looked baffled. 

"Takemichi? Takemichi!? Why the hell do I keep saying that name instead of your real one!?" The girl scrunches with frustration on her face while pointing at the blonde girl.

"Oh my God, y'all she's right I can't recall my name anymore all I remember is Akkun." The girl now Akkun says. Which left everyone around her shocked.

"OH MY FUCKIN GOD! Where in Tokyo Revengers!?" The girl with slicked black hair cried out in frustration, knowing what character she was.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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