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"I want you."

I am shocked.

I didn't think she would say that AT ALL.

I don't even know how I'm controlling myself right now

I ignored what she said

But that made it worse

Because she came closer to me trying to kiss me again

I moved my face away

If i let her kiss me again i know i'm not going to control myself anymore

She makes me insane.

I took a cab to my house

I won't take her to her house because she's super drunk


She was drunk to the point that she couldn't walk properly

That's why i picked her up

She wrapped her arms around me

And she said

"So u accepted my offer"

"What offer?"

"Well i told u i want u."

"U can have me when u are sober"

"No i want u now"

"Yo- EWW ABI "

She threw up on my shirt.

And i quickly put her down

"I'm sor-"

She threw up Again

And this time on her dress

"This is disgusting ew."

"I'm sorry"

I took her to the bathroom and i washed her face

"Take this and change your clothes"

"No.i want u to change my clothes"

"Abi i'm not changing your clothes"

"Yes you are"

"No i'm not"

"Then i'm going to sleep on your bed like this"

"Fuck no its going to be dirty"

"Well then u can change my clothes"

I hesitated at first

But at the end i did

I opened the zipper of the dress

The curse of loveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя