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[GUYS! I would really appreciate if you vote and comment! I'd like to know what you think, so please tell me?! (: x]

***Laurels POV***

Laurel ran inside her house. What was she doing? What was happenening here? 'Hey, honey, how was your day?' Phill just walked in. 'Horrible, leave me alone!' Laurel went to her room and slammed the door. On  her bed, she started crying. She took her laptop, went on twitter and.. 'My god, no!' Laurel's mounth fell open.'Fuck!' she looked at the pictures. It were all Harry and her. She grabbed her phone and texted Harry.

@Harry: We have to talk. NOW! x

@Laurel: Why? What's going on? x

@Harry: Just check it out on twitter.

@Laurel: I'm underway love! x

@Harry: Okay, see you in a bit. x

Laurel sighed. Why does this always happen to her? Why does she fall in love? Why? 'I know I can't trust people, and I still fall in love..' Laurel sighed. Her phone buzzed. It was Chelsa.

@Laurel: Why did you never told me you were dating Harry? x Chelsa.

@Chelsa: Why did you never visited me when I was in the hospital? And I'm not dating him.

@Laurel: But those pictures.. They proof everything.

@Chelsa: Who do you believe? Me or pictures?

Harry walked in. 'Phill let me in.' 'oh.' Laurel looked up from her phone. 'Hey, what's wrong?' 'Chelsa.. She just texed me. She thinks we're dating..' 'Oh god.. That's why you wanted me to come, right?' Laurel nodded. 'What do we've got to do Harry?' Laurel looked straight into Harry's green eyes. 'I don't know yet..' Laurel's phonebuzzed again.

@Laurel: I believe you, but pictures usally tell the true. We should meet to talk (: xChelsea

Laurel was about to cry. How could she ever say this. Meet to talk? She'd better just go away.

@Chelsea: How dare you to say that. You've left me alone, and now? No. I'm sorry. Our friendship is over. Thanks for not caring.

Laurel wanted to press send, but Harry took her phone. 'Laurel, don't ruin friendships.' 'She ruined it. I can't do it Harry.' Harry looked confused. 'What can't you do? Laurel?' 'You don't understand Harry! Just leave me alone.' 'Then make me understand! Laurel? Look at me?' Harry lifted Laurel's head up. 'You're crown is falling down princess. Just smile. Dry your tears. They aren't worth anyone. And especially not Chelsea. She loves you, she can't miss you. She feels guilty about what happened, but, she couldn't see you in that state.' Laurel got drunk in Harrys green eyes. Focus Laurel, focus yourself. He wants your trust. Don't give it. Laurel. The voices. 'Yeah, sure.' Laurel looked away and acted cold. 'Laurel, please make me understand?' 'Make you understand what?' Harry sighted. 'Make me understand why you can't do it?' 'Nothing. I just can't live with somebody who left me alone. I'd better go outside and search for real friends.' 'Well, I don't think you can go outside now.' 'What do you mean? That's so much bullshit.' Laurel looked up and walked to the window. 'Holy shit.' Laurel's mounth fell open. 'All those papperazi. My gosh.' Harry walked to the window and closed the curtains. 'Don't show yourself, or you're normal life will be over.' Laurel looked annoyed up. 'My normal life is already over okay.'

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