She pointed at her teacher which drew the eyes of everyone else, the adult drone merely stared down at them blankly from atop the house he was resting on as he relaxed on a chair. "No year-end bonus. No learning."

Braiden muttered. "So we're just unsupervised?"

The class looked around and questioned their situation before a distant scream drew their attention to the sky. Within seconds, an object smacked to the ground before them and kicked up a cloud of powder.

Uzi's eyes widened as she noticed the fallen object was a fellow drone, more specifically Dror. He slowly stood up off the ground, groaning as he rotated his joints to make sure they were intact, he turned to the wide-eyed group of Worker Drones.

He held up a finger. "Give em a sec." Immediately N and V landed behind Dror, kicking up even more snow as Dror struggled to stay standing.

N immediately addressed the other workers, distracting them enough for Dror to turn to V. "I hate you. I genuinely wish that Doll freak offed you." He grumbled. All she did was give him a smug look before turning her attention back to their wards, in time for N to address them.

"Let's sound off!" N started counting his teammates first, "One, two, three..."

When he began pointing at the class they, unsurprisingly, stood quivering in fear. It made Dror feel quite nostalgic of his own fears from a year prior, as well as embarrassed 'cause to be frank, they looked rather pathetic. Of course, they finally started sounding off when V SHOT ONE OF THEM.

Dror's jaw dropped just like that poor kids body, he turned to V and angrily gestured to the offline drone. "V-Wha-Why?!" Aggravatingly, all she did was shrug as N went on with his counselor schtick. Dror looked up at the teacher to see his reaction, but it seemed as though he barely noticed.

Two of the students (think their names are "Thad" and "Lizzy") came right up and greeted the Murder Drones.

"Sounds good, N."

"Anything for my bestie."

Annnddd the cheerleader girl looted the body for a watch and threw it to V. Both of them came over and stood by N and V's side, the girls even fistbumping each other. Thad offered the same to Dror, but all the uniformed drone did was gesture confusingly at the dead kid. In response, Thad also just shrugged and turned his attention to his classmates, who still seemed too nervous to approach their "counselors".

Perhaps in an attempt to ease their worries, Uzi muttered nervously. "Yeah, they're like my friends too,'s cool."

Uzi got what she wanted when the class immediately looked distraught at the notion of someone being friends with her. They rushed over and swarmed the wannabe counselors, offering their friendship instead.

Dror's eyes twitched as some of the students turned their eyes to him. "I feel bad for the little guy. Looney loner probably made herself his role model."

Another student nodded, draping their arm around his shoulders. "Taking advantage of children, how low could she go?"

At this point, Dror's twitching had practically turned into his visor full-on glitching from how hard he tried not to lash out. He gritted his teeth and clenched his hands, inciting the subtle sound of grinding metal.

Don'tKillThem Don'tKillThem Don'tKillThem Don'tKillThem Don'tKillThem Don'tKillThem Don'tKillThem

"Alright everyone, to the bunks!"

Thankfully N's voice drew all of their attention, and the group quickly followed him and V away from the bus. Now alone, Dror let out a held-in breath as he calmed himself and unclenched his hands.

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