Chapter Thirty-Three

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Maybe it was the years of fear her grandmother provided over her childhood that kept Lania from talking back. The urge to spill this juicy secret was shadowed by years of physical and mental torment.

    Tom was even shocked when Lania just quietly nodded her head and went back to eating. But then he supposed that was the way she grew up. That was how all traditional pure-bloods grew up. Respect the elders and do as you are told without question or disobedience.

    That dinner was finished in silence. Until Tom and Lania excused themselves from the overbearing tension in the dining room and walked down the hall a short distance before Tom softly grabbed her arm.


    "Your surprise. Now I guess, more for me - but still a surprise."

    So she walked off. And Tom followed with apprehension. Especially as she dragged him outside of the castle and down a path through a small forest to a clearing. He would have been superstitious about her reasons before he realized what was in the clearing.

    But, seeing Lania under this light. Under the moonlight and the stars, in her evening gown, her hair curled to perfection. This was a new light. This was the moment when he fell in love with her - again.

This was Lania Olivera Vernise in the most peaceful state he had ever seen her.

    "Do you-"

    "It's beautiful." He whispered, but his eyes were trained on her.

She could feel the love. Really looking at him. He seemed so relaxed right there. So calm. Maybe he would propose. Now, she wouldn't say no. This was what the books read. The intense stare under the particular moonlight after an argument.

    This whole situation was down to the "T". All he had to do - and a part of her hoped he would - was get down on one knee and propose to her.

    "This lake." She whispered, "Was what saved me over the years. It was the only place I could hide, and calm down. Nobody comes here - I don't bring anyone here. Except Walburga. But - but, now I'd like to share it with you, Tom."

    Tom looked at her. Just looked. Studied, examined. The woman he fell in love with had suffered childhood trauma as all pure-bloods did. Especially with her mother turning her father insane and sending him back to America only to die several years later. Her mother herself becoming insane over obsession and being sent to Azkaban.

    Then her grandmother took her in. And, in true pureblood fashion, beat her to be perfect and mentally drained her until she could take even the worst of insults with a straight face.

That led to Lania's want for power. To do justice to the young pure-blood kids given no choice. To have control over her future. And the good power at Hogwarts was never going to do that, though the dark arts would.

    So Lania created the Coveinto Sororum to create a haven for five girls to safely be children to learn and utilize power. Establishing a silent dominance over the school and instilling an iron grip fist of fear.

    Now. Now, she was becoming a stunning woman who had reached only the beginning of her power, but even more than that. She fell in love.

    Something that was ripped away from her and given to her by a boy who also had that ability stretched and taken away from him.

    'I love her too.'

    'I'm glad. I'm going to propose.'

    'No, we shall propose.'

    Under the moonlight, he walked closely, quietly, and slowly.

    Lania felt her breath catch in her throat. Tom Marvolo Riddle. The curious boy she had always been intrigued by. The heartthrob of their year. In love with her.

    The descendant of Slytherin, yet raised in an orphanage with the absence of a muggle father and the abandonment of a struggling single mother.

Bullied, tormented in that orphanage creating a rift in his mind. Two different Tom's. But, the same obsession with power. They want to be the best. To cleanse the world. To right what was done wrong to him.

    Created the Knights of Walpurgis and in his own way established power over the school and more notably the teachers as the resident golden boy and perfect prefect that Hogwarts had ever seen.

    Now, he was a man. A man, whom Lania loved. A man who was stripped of his right to feel love, just as she was. And together, soulmates. Star-crossed lovers.

    She watched as he came face to face with her, before bending down onto one knee. His eyes remained on hers as he pulled out a black velvet box. Inside of it sat a beautiful silver ring with a small, simple, but rich dark emerald diamond.

Lania felt tears come into her eyes as her hands covered the shock forming around her  mouth. Maybe - maybe he would propose.

    "Lania Olivera Vernise. I can't love. I can't feel it, can't harness it, can't understand it. I was doomed when it came to love. Then I met you. Lania Olivera Vernise. I love you. I can feel it with you, I can harness it with you, I can understand it with you. I found love because of you. These words are alien to me - affection comes hard. But for you, Lania Olivera Vernise. I burn for you. You are the bane of my existence. You invade my thoughts and my mind. Lania Olivera Vernise, do me the honor, and marry me - please."

    One second.

    Two seconds.

    Three seconds.


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