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I will post a/n if anything happens (like a slow update or something)
This is my first fanfic and constructive criticism is welcome <3
It's been a bit since I've paid attention in any english class so forgive me if this is messy, I will try to work on it
I'll try to update at least once a week/once every other week (probably on Sundays)(sorry I'm lazy :/ )
I'm not sure how many parts this will have, I'm making it up as I go
If you have any questions, please comment them and I will try my best to reply and not forget I downloaded wattpad (this app is hidden far away from the others on my phone)
Also the name has literally nothing to do with the story I just didn't know what to name it LOL (looked to a water bottle logo for inspo)
If you can think of a better name for this story please tell me I'll credit you at the bottom of one of the chapters
I'll try to keep everyone as in character as I can because I hate when I'm reading a fic and it's like they're a completely different person
The reader is going to stay as neutral as possible (no description of weight, gender, eye/hair color, anything like that)
Also, to jump to confessionals in between scenes I'll separate it like:



Back to story

Ok.. I'm done now :D

Deer Park - Alejandro x Reader (TDWT)Where stories live. Discover now