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You were sitting in your bed on a Monday night in late May, mindlessly scrolling through a very popular social app on your phone while patiently waiting for your summer break to arrive, when you came across a fanpage for a show you've never even heard of before.

"What's Total Drama Island?" Was the only question on your mind. Curiosity got the better of you as questions started to consume your mind, so you swiped onto the fan account to try and better your understanding about the show.

"How come I've never heard of this before? This show is so popular and people are winning money just from some TV competition? Honestly, that seems too easy." Scrolling through the fan page again, you spotted an eye-catching poster about a new season of the show. As you eyed your screen, you read that the winner of the new season would be the proud owner of a very large sum of money. "A million dollars!? That's insane!" You couldn't believe what you were reading. Scanning a bit more, you realized you fit all of the requirements to become a new member of the show.

"I probably won't get on, but I'll still apply anyway. Even if I don't win, I'll still be considered famous, won't I?" You shrugged and made a really quick audition video. The idea of fame and a drastic change in your life made you slightly nervous, but a part of you believed it was worth it, so you gave in. In retrospect, the audition video you created was quite messy and unprofessional, but you didn't really mind it because the odds of actually being accepted into the series were so low anyway. Then, you started wondering about what would happen if you did get accepted and did win the million. "I wouldn't have to worry about money.. ever, probably! I could retire young and live my life how I want, that's my dream."

A yawn escaped your mouth and your eyes started to feel droopy. Glancing your tired eyes at the clock on your nightstand, you could see that it's now 12:03 am. "Shoot, I've been up for way too long.. I need to get some sleep or I'll be too tired for school tomorrow." With a lot of hope in your heart, you finally laid down in a comfortable enough position to catch up on some sleep that you desperately need for tomorrow's school day.

*Ring... Ring... Ring...*

You shoot awake at the sound coming from right next to you. In your dreams, you imagined being accepted into Total Drama, but unfortunately for you that sound was only your ear-piercing alarm clock yelling at you to get ready for school. "I hate school so much." Was all you could say before dramatically flopping back into bed with the pillow over your head. You decided to smack the snooze button and lay down for five more minutes, unfortunately your peace came to an end again when the alarm sound went off. "I swear that was less than five minutes.. whatever." You grumbled and climbed out of bed, an annoying start to your day.

Downstairs, you got ready for breakfast and said your goodbyes to your family as you raced for the bus to school. The insufficient amount of sleep made you get up late, so you almost missed it, but luckily for you the bus kept waiting. Gathering your things, you headed straight for your seat and rested your head on the window, until the bus started to drive again and you had to move your head to avoid getting a headache from banging your head on the foggy bus glass.

Looking at your phone, you decided to stalk through the fan account again to perhaps learn more about Total Drama, something you didn't have a lot of time to do yesterday night. In hindsight, auditioning so quickly was a bad idea, but it was for a chance at winning a million dollars. You didn't really get a whole lot of information from the account besides learning about previous competitors and the dangerous challenges they were being faced with. You were starting to feel nervous because if you were accepted, you weren't quite sure you were in the best athletic position to do any of these mind boggling activities. You turned the phone off and finally arrived at school.

After school had ended, you ran up the stairs and back into your room. Luckily for you, there was no homework to be done, which meant you had free time for the rest of the day. Hours have passed and now the time on your clock reads 8:17 pm. Who knew playing games on your phone was so fun? Before you get ready to start off your nightly routine, you decide to take a look at your email to see if you got any news on your audition from yesterday. To your surprise, there was a new email:

"Dear (Y/N),

We are pleased to announce that you have been chosen to participate in Total Drama's season three to compete for a whopping one million dollars! You will be put against fifteen other contestants in this summer's game. Although, some of these contestants will be your allies. We advise you to read up on the rules of the show before showing up to start. Please pack your necessities and leave any internet connecting device at home to avoid cheating and make the competition fair for other competitors. We are kicking off the season on June 5th at the Company Name Airport, please arrive via bus and be ready! If you have any questions, contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Total Drama Directors"

This email felt like a smack to the face, it definitely caught you by surprise and you started to shake a little. "Holy crap, I actually got accepted!" A smile was plastered across your face, if only you knew what you were getting yourself into. Nevertheless, you started to pack your things to prepare for your new life for the next few months. Your parents were stoked as well, and also a bit surprised, but they were proud of you. To get onto a network this large was a miracle, and you seemed ready to make the most of it.


Word Count: 1054

That's the end of the prologue!

I hope this was good for my first fic! What are your thoughts so far? Also, I'll try to keep every chapter at least 1,000 words

Anyone have any suggestions/scenarios that I should/could implement into this fic? I'm always down for suggestions. (I'll credit your idea at the bottom of the chapter)

Also I'm not so sure about the timeline of TDWT so just pretend it happens during the summer or something so it'd make sense for the prologue to take place in May. I think It does take place in summer anyway, but whatever.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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