Everyone's Problem

Start from the beginning

[Copy Ninja: I still have doubts about that Madara... Strangely, his way of speaking rings a bell...]

Kakashi displayed keen interest when I brought up a man adorned with an orange spiral mask.

[Copy Ninja: Approaching him was quite a challenge, you see? I devised an elaborate approach to communicate my grievances against Konoha.]

[Copy Ninja: Orochimaru attempted an attack on me a few months after I became a member of the Akatsuki, and now I've been assigned to obtain the Nine-Tails from Konoha.]

[Ex-Veteran (Admin): What about Team Seven? Who is in charge of them? Are the Genin members the same? Who is their teacher?]

[Copy Ninja: Well, that would be Shisui.]

[Ex-Veteran (Admin): That's good. The whole thing is still predictable.]

In the Naruto universe, the main characters (excluding Kakashi) should have reached the juncture where they came across Zabuza in the Land of Waves.

Now would be the moment when Itachi is introduced, or more precisely, this marks the return of Kakashi.

Kakashi isn't the sole exception; Riko's demise is imminent.

[Star Plasma Vessel: Just to let you know, I haven't come across that "eccentric individual with white hair and sunglasses who tends to haul you around like a sack" anywhere. @Ex-Veteran]

After several years, we're able to engage Riko in conversation without excluding her from the overarching "rescuing our storyline" master plan.

I elaborated to her that I exchanged information and abilities with Kakashi, reciprocating skills and techniques. This dynamic has persisted for a minimum of five years. By the time she reached the age of ten, she grasped much of our conversations and had an enlightening realization.

Furthermore, I informed her that a group of "baddies" would endeavor to eliminate her before fulfilling her duty as the Star Plasma Vessel. Naturally, she couldn't disregard that once she comprehended the implications behind my words.

It's starting... The canon events of everyone else are beginning to become evident.

(A/N: Insert Miguel's theme here)

A few among us have altered the destinies of others, yet one among us remains in the uncertain realm of fate, awaiting its inevitable course.

Kakashi prevented Shisui's death and halted Itachi's defection, though Riko remains uncertain about what lies ahead for her.

[Copy Ninja: Well, surprisingly, the admin's words are accurate. Pay him with skills, and you'll have our consultation. @StarPlasmaVessel]

[StarPlasmaVessel: But I don't possess that many... The only skill I had, I gave to Ame-san when I was 5. You're definitely exploiting me! @ExVeteran]

[ExVeteran (Admin): I've also provided you with information that you'll be eliminated prior to merging with Tengen. Doesn't that suffice?]

[StarPlasmaVessel: 💩]

[Copy Ninja: Let's calm down, How about this...]

[Attachment: Scroll - Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique (Item)]

[Copy Ninja: One piece of info for StarPlasmaVessel, please! @Ex-Veteran]

[StarPlasmaVessel: ✨Kakashi-san! 🥹]

Well, well... It's not as straightforward as that... I don't even require those techniques; universal affinity makes water manipulation easy...

Nonetheless, rescuing her is on my agenda as well...

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