"Welcome, men and woman of Birmingham. Thank you for coming here on this cold, dark night, in spite of the obstruction and provocation of our enemies. Our enemies deal in bricks and stones and bottles. We deal in reasoned principles, argument and fact. Among those enemies, we can number Mr Winston Churchill.." he began. "Who last night, condemned me in the house as a threat to democracy."

"Them who've gone are the lucky ones. Them who've gone are the lucky ones" Barney whispered.

The cheering stopped. "But then Mr Churchill has never been a friend of the common people, faced with the alternative of saying goodbye to gold standard, and therefore to his own employment, he characteristically selected the latter. But of course, not all attending tonight will be convinced of out cause. Some will have come here tonight to find out for themselves what we stand for."

"So here are our guiding principles. Every citizen shall serve the state, Not the banks, not factions. Not the jews" he shouted.

The chant began again.

"The barriers of class will be abolished and a greater Britain will be born"

"Whenever your ready Tom" she whispered.

Tommy checked his pocket watch and Barney began counting.

Lottie kept her eyes fixed on Mosley, waiting for him to be sent to the floor. She counted down from ten, confused when the shot didn't fire.

Suddenly, a hand covered her mouth. Lottie tried to scream but no noise came out, she fought as hard as she could but it was no use. Her eyes widened and a breath left her mouth as whoever was holding her sent a knife though her chest, stabbing her four times.

He let go of her, dropping her to the floor and she lay, staring at the bright light above her head.

Her head went foggy and her mouth went dry.

All she could think about was her children and Isiah. Lottie reached for the chair that sat beside her and attempted to pull herself up but struggled. Tears rolled down her face as pain flooded throughout her. "Tommy," she croaked.

And just like that, the thing she feared most had came to visit her. Death.

Lottie pressed her hand against the biggest wound, fighting with all her strength to stand. But once again, it was no use. Nothing was helping.


Tommy frowned, walking through the wings quickly, realising his plan hasn't gone the way he wanted to. He froze, looking at the blood that covered the floor and he panicked.

"Fuck," he whispered.


Isiah paced the drawing room, curious as to where Lottie was. He picked up the phone. "Arthur," he said. "Isiah,"

"Where's Lottie? She should be home by now-"

"Isiah, we don't know where she is." Arthur mumbled, biting his lip. "What do you mean..what do you mean you don't know where she is" he shouted.

He slammed the phone down.

"Dad," Theo said. "When's mum coming home?"

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