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Ummm hi?

It's been long, almost a month and a half



Anyways I am deeply sorry for not being inactive, I mean its not like anyone is active here anyways 😪😭

It's been a busy week during this sem and I heard that the following semester are worse than this to rip me.

So let me show you what I've been doing this whole time ♡

First of all, let's start with my assignments. I really spend a lot of hours doing my final project and the project before so I hope you guys like it ♡

 I really spend a lot of hours doing my final project and the project before so I hope you guys like it ♡

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About this one, I sat down for 9 hours straight to finish this off. That's how hard this thing was. So it's called mix media where we mix wet and dry media together. It's kinda fun actually but also tiring asf.

My mom saw me struggling so she bought me a canvas stand so that it'll be easier for me instead of doing my work on the ground

But my lecturer said he was proud of our works so, guess my hard work paid off.

Basically the next one, it's my final project. I was supposed to do two artworks but I did three instead.

Here's the story, my lecturer divide us into groups on three different types of art style which is pop art, expressionism and surrealism. (Its not a group work btw, it is an individual one but it's just 5 people are picked into the same topic)

Thus, we have to make 2 artwork which 2 Asian mythical creatures based on the art style given

For this artstyle, I actually tried something different. Like most artist tried spilling their drink accidentally on their works and they create and art on it, (yeah I tried that) if you see the ones that have water splash, it's actually the colourful part and the ori bird only has red feathers. Actually I'm not sure whether can you guys see it or not.

This artwork took me 2 days to finish because, firstly my watercolour isn't with me, I left it at my friend's hostel. Secondly, my markers isn't with me, my friends was having them. So I had to use gouache and colour pencils to create this and trust me doing colour blending is so fucking tiring. That took more hours.

However my lecturer liked it so much, he said the bird looked fierce.

However my lecturer liked it so much, he said the bird looked fierce

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