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This is by Yeong_fictions ♡

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This is by Yeong_fictions

No drawings for this week, I have tonnes of work tbh. Like I have photographies to do and a lot of digital shit to do. SO AS PAINTING. IM DOING WATERCOLOUR PORTRAIT 😩


1. I actually did although it's really unexpected for a positive person like me cuz I don't really give up.

It was actually last year (coming on 17th June would be the date that I was absolutely depressed), I failed for subjects out of five and I was actually really depressed because never even once, I've seen all red grades in my results...

Thus, I was in a toxic university with toxic classmates so imagine failing all and they would definitely bitch about you for sure. I felt extremely disappointed because I put too much effort back then but my results were like shit. Thinking about it now reminded how painful I felt back then.

One thing I thought was why should I even live when I am such a disappointment? I let everyone and myself down, I wasted my dad's money and all. But good thing my parents were okay about it because they told me everyone needs to face failure and its good that I've faced it now...

Thinking about it now, I still wonder why the heck did I even chose science as a course to study cuz I am cracking my head and pushing myself too hard on getting good grades. Cuz in graphic design, it's more to hands on and talking. Despite so much of homework and I am complaining but, I still don't find reallt stressing (except for group work)...

Yuh, that's fot question 1.

2. Hmm, maybe my relatives ig. Cuz they love body shaming people and also, when I dropped out one of my relative asked too much of questions and that got me annoyed. But after all, they are relatives and they can't stfu so...

3. Usually I'll cry and then I'll end up sleeping. But about my uni incident back then, it took months tbh, I had times on being too emotional, and I felt that everyone was in a bad side. Like even my siblings when we fight sometimes I'll start overthinking and I'll start ranting out on twitter. It does take months to recover for me....

Tbh, after December and especially starting of 2023, i stopped taking things personally and although they pissed me off, it always the times when I'm stressed but I'll get the hang of it ♡

4. I love wearing shirts, suits. But I just have an obsession wearing shirts and also long skirts


6. Well, probably hibiscus cuz I've kept the plant before. I mean, it looks pretty in pictures

7. Tbh I don't really know. Probably I'll say hi but I tend to be awkward at first 🥺. Im a shy person so, it takes maybe a day or 2 to get comfortable. But if you keep talking to me, I'll be the same as well, I am quite friendly BUT SHY

8. Take a rest. You definitely need that. And get some sleep! That's what i usually do, and try to manage your time if can. You can do your assignments later on. Or if you love the subject and the assignments of it, maybe keep doing it, you feel better (but it works for art mostly) ♡♡♡
Take care of yourself sweetheart ♡

9. Green flag, and those qualities that every fictional man we have. Though I low-key want a cold boyfriend but at the same time sweet too. Its never possible so cry in the river


Well tbh, maybe I would choose my highschool friends ig because for my uni friends, it's just someone ik. I don't keep much because of what they had done to me

Not but really I choose both

So that is all from me ♡. Hope you enjoyed learning some things about me. Well if you need any request or any questions please to list it down, I would definitely reply ♡

Till the byeee ♡♡♡♡♡

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