First Day and Forest

Start from the beginning

Tuesdays started with Charms with the Ravenclaws, Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and Potions with the Slytherins. In the afternoons he had Transfiguration with the Ravenclaws, History of Magic with the Hufflepuffs and DADA with the Slytherins.

Wednesdays saw the day start with double transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs and Potions with the Slytherins. After lunch was Defence with the Ravenclaws then DADA and Herbology with the Slytherins

Thursdays he had potions with Slytherin then double herbology with Ravenclaw and DADA with Hufflepuff. He then has History of Magic with the Hufflepuffs, Transfiguration and Charms with the Slytherins

Fridays he has Charms first with the Hufflepuffs, Transfuguration and DADA with the Slytherins, Flying lessons with the Ravenclaws and finally Herbology and Potions with the Slytherins.

He folded his timetable and pocketed it, picking up his spoon and beginning to eat his now cold porridge. Free and George Weasley sat down on either side of him, reading their own timetables, Katie, Angelina and Alicia were opposite him in a heated discussion over Quidditch tactics. Harrison picked up some strips of bacon from the large plate in the middle of the table and lifted it for Saveuse to eat. He smiled as his familiar chomped on the bacon slowly, taking her time to finish her meal. Towards the end of breakfast, an owl flew down over Harrison's head, dropping a letter into his lap before turning and leaving the hall again. Harrison smiled as he pocketed the letter and stood up to go to his class.

"Do you know where you're going for class?" Angelina asked as she looked up from her meal at Harrison. He shook his head slightly, his cheeks turning red slightly in embarrassment. Angelina just smiled and stood up,"It's fine, come on I'll show you where your first class is, what subject have you got?" She said as she made her way to the entrance hall with Harrison. "Transfiguration," he murmured in a soft voice. Angelina nodded and beckoned him to follow her as she ascended the stairs to the right of the hall. She brought Harrison into McGonagall's classroom and he sat down in the very back corner of the room. She smiled at him and wished him luck before leaving for her own lesson.

"You're Professor McGonagall aren't you?" he asked the tabby cat sitting on the teacher's desk which meow'd in response. Harrison smiled and began reading his Fantastic Beasts book. It was now the scheduled start time for the lesson, however McGonagall hadn't changed into her human form yet. Five minutes into the lesson, Alexander and Ron burst through the door completely out of breath, saying something about the teacher not even being here earning a small laugh from Harrison. "And what's so funny to you?" Ron snapped, glaring at Harrison. "Nothing really, just the fact that you haven't realised that McGonagall is sat at her desk." Harrison said in an incredulous tone as Ron huffed and was about to retort when the tabby cat jumped off the desk and transformed into McGonagall.

"10 points to Gryffindor for recognising me in my animagus form, Mr Potter," she smiled at Harrison then turned to Ron and Alexander, "next time, you will lose your house some points for being late, sit down." She said sternly and the two boys sat at the front of the room as McGonagall began the lesson. She started with explaining the theory behind transfiguration and then had them attempt to turn a matchstick into a needle. Harrison just sat, reading his Fantastic Beasts book instead of attempting the task like the rest of the class. As McGonagall patrolled around the room to check her students' work and assist them where they went wrong, she noticed Harrison Potter in the corner of the classroom not attempting the work and reading a book on magical beasts.

"Mr Potter?" she spoke sternly in front of Harrison, causing him to almost jump out of his seat with fright. "Why is it that you haven't even attempted the task set for you yet?" McGonagall asked, earning some snickers from both Slytherins and Gryffindors. All eyes in the room were on Harrison who just shrank in his chair uncomfortably. He raised his wand and spoke the incantation but nothing happened, not even a spark. McGonagall looked at the boy apologetically before turning and warningly telling the rest of the class to continue with their work. Harrison backed his things into his bag, holstered his wand and stormed out he classroom in embarrassment with McGonagall watching on solemnly.

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