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"Yu-kun!!" Izumi alerted her friend to move as poisonous vines emerged from the ground taking the curse by surprise.

The three first years were sent on another group mission.

Nanami ran with full speed dodging the fire balls coming his way. He had taken the lava curse on himself since izumi's technique is weaker against it.

Yu lunged at the curse with his cursed tool missing it by a notch. He grunted and dodged another fire ball.

Izumi was up against another curse, that more or less looked like an alligator. It would release sharp spikes at her.

Using her nature manipulation, she shielded herself from getting pierced but a few struck her. She could feel her blood trickling down her arms.

As much as a blessing her healing abilities were.. She couldn't heal herself; although she could slow down her blood flowing out.

"Arrhh" On her right she saw Yu has been hit by the fire. And Nanami rushed to his side to check, quickly regaining his stance. They were both burnt at different places but seeing the look on Nanami, they will finish of the curse in no time.

She needs to finish this off quickly inorder to heal them. But it will drain her cursed energy to exhaustion really quickly.

Nature manipulation: Mortem clusters..

Dark Purple smoke that can be mistaken for black surounded the curse infront of her. She could see it suffocating the curse as it started clawing at it neck. Its other hand trying to wave off the smoke.

The curse screamed as it's hands began to dry up, slowly decomposing. It tried to regenerate itself and that took a bit more cursed energy to completely destroy it.

At the end of it Izumi was stumbling on her legs and slowly moved towards her friends to see them almost finishing it up and with her now flowing cursed technique boosted their process.

They came upto her on the best of their abilities and reached for her. Nanami lifted her up as Yu was injured on his chest and legs. Even though Nanami had a burnt shoulder he took her in his arms but she quickly healed his shoulder much to his protest.

The veil droped and they spotted their car on the road. The driver helped Yu to enter the car and the three of them settled inside.

She tried to heal Yu's wounds but they couldn't let her be completely drained as her arm was still bleeding. They quickly bandaged her hands and after a few negotiations, she healed Yu's wound on his chest as it was more painful than his leg.

After that she passed out {~_~}

Her eyes slowly opened and looked around. It was dark and as her eyes adjusted she could make out that she was in the medical room... Again.

Her hands were a bit stiff so she stretched them, but quickly realized that her bandage was re done. So she carefully sat up for a while then laid back again.

Hearing voices in the room, Izumi's eyes opened and the voices stopped.

"Finally you woke up huh" Nanami looked at her and helped her sit up.
"You are not healing us again like that!" It was Yu this time as he looked at her with guilt.

"Say whatever you want guys.. but I'll always do what i can.. Besides it wasn't cursed energy right.. A little rest and I'll be as good as new! " She replied enthusiastically but the boys looked at her in disapproval.

"you were out for a whole day Izumi... try not to make it a habit of passing out. Yes? We can make it till we get back here..right Haibara?" Nanami looked at him and he nodded.

"Let's go. I've saved some of your favorite snacks. They're from the new shop that's opened recently and let me tell you.. They have the best rice dishes!!" Yu's eye's sparkled saying that. He did love anything with rice.

"Reallyyy, then we must go there kento-kun. It's on Yu-kun. Yay!" Izumi got up from the bed and they walked to the dinning hall.

"I didn't say anything about me paying!!" He blowed his cheeks and stood with his hands on his hip.
"Alright I'll do it this time..but it's gonna be you the next time we go there.."

Izumi looked around in disappointment since she was looking forward to see a certain someone.

"They're on a mission. Utahime-san and Mei-san needed some assistance" Nanami explained as he saw her searching eyes.

"Oh"Izumi blushed at how easily she was caught by her friend.

" Yeah, Geto senpai was in your room until he was called for backup.He was so concerned and It looked sooo cuteee" Yu teased her gushing over her potential boyfriend.

Her ears turned redder too, biting back a stupid smile. She lightly smacked his arm with her good hand and he teased her further. While nanami looked at them with a soft gaze and followed after them.

Izumi was a bit worried since last time things did got out of hand. But they'll be more careful this time.....


Who was she kidding. The guys fought as if they were in a playground. Showing off and Jabbing at Utahime any moment they get.

If shoko wasn't with them Utahime would have surely gone crazy at Gojo's brattiness and Geto hyping him.

They sure are the strongest sorcerers in the modern world.

Later that day when they returned from the mission, the second years were held up by Yaga sensei. Being the troublemakers they were, had forgotten to place a veil over the mansion and now the news about it was being discussed all amongst the media.

Izumi was waiting for geto since Utahime told her that they were being told off. But ever the nonchalant, Gojo Satoru saved the day...not really since the other two threw him under the bus.

As she was sitting down feeling the tiny grass under the tree and relishing in the calm nature that Geto had came to her.

" I heard you've been looking for me?" There he was with that serene smile looking down at her.she quickly cleared her throat.

"Yes i have. You're fit and fine now i see.." she said reminding him of his previous mission.

" I'm always fine you know... " He chuckled at his own joke and sat down.

" T-that's not what i meant" she playfully narrowed her eyes
He just gave her an amused look.

"How are you feeling now? I can see your arm's aren't healed yet... Why can't shoko fix you?"he was confused and bewildered seeing as he hasn't seen or heard anything like this before.
He was an intelectual student with a wide knowledge about curses and on how they worked. So he was curious to know.

Izumi loved his eagerness to know and decipher things "Suguru-san ,Do you remember when i said my ability was a blessing to heal others making it a blessing for them..."
Geto just nodded wordlessly.

"Well let's just they are the exact opposite to us... We can only be healed by another person possessing the same ability or we just have to heal the normal way.
So in other words it's more or
less a-"
"Curse" Geto concluded looking at her.


Hey lovely people!

As you can see i have started the hidden inventory arc the beginning part of JJK season 2.

And I'm so excited to see the shibuya incident arc releasing tomorrow!!!

First of all i don't really know what Yu's cursed technique is and I've read that he was grade2? And i didn't want to mess up so i just kind of gave him a cursed tool like maki.

While writing this chapter i couldn't get Chibi Geto out of my mind and that 'Urusei' is soo cutee ♡( ◡‿◡ )

Thank you for reading<3

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