13. Live and Goodbye

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Third view POV:

After Robin and Franky arrived at Enies Lobby, they all locked inside a room.

There are a lot of noises outside the building, the group knew that the Straw Hat had come to rescued them. Then the CP leader, Spandam ordered Franky gave them the blueprint of Pluton.

Franky opened his stomach as he is a cyborg, and took out the blueprint to show them to Spandam. But the next move just shocked their leader as Franky burned the blueprint with fire that shoot from his mouth.

The CP leader was angry with his action. He brought them in front the window and want them to look at the straw hat to fight Blueno. Luffy used his Gear 2 to beat him and win. He then asked Robin to came back with them but the woman keep declined as said she does not deserved to live in this world.

Luffy just stared the woman and he command Sogeking aka Usopp to shoot the flag of the world government to declare a war between them. Then the straw hat boy asked Robin said she want to live.

And all of the people there can see her eyes had filled with tear and said she want to live and keep sailing with them before dragged away with Spandam.

And all the straw hat included the silver-haired girl discussed about how to get the key for Robin as all the CP had hold one of the key. When they discussed finished, thay all went their ways to ready to fight all the way out of here.

Before that, Spandam had also called for Buster Call, want to eliminated al the straw hat. He is really stupid at this point. A silver-haired girl thought herself.

When Luffy had finally win against Lucci and get the key, they opened the handcuff of Robin and readied to escaped from this place. But more marines had come after them.

The group also noticed that Luffy cannot moved his body after using Gear 2 and Gear 3 because it had cause too much impact for his body. And suddenly Sogeking called all the people jumped down to the sea as they heard someone talking to them.

Robin used her devil fruit to moved Luffy downed to the sea with all the people jumped at the sea together. And they all saw is Going Merry waiting below them. And they went back to Water 7 with sailing Going Merry.

When they almost arrived at Water 7, Merry suddenly broken into half. The straw hat captain asked the mayor to help them repaired the ship but the mayor just shake his head and stated that Merry can no longer set sail, is time to let her rest.

The straw hat unwilling to leave Merry but that had no choice, so they burned the ship and said their last farewell to her. Suddenly, they all heard a voice speaking with them, it was Merry. She thanks the straw hat for taking good care of here and she wished they can sailing together one day.

Even though the silver-haired girl is not part of the straw hat, yet, she still feeling sad when said goodbye to the ship. After that, they stayed at the headquarters of Galley-La for taking some rest and healed the wound while restock the supplies.

Terenes POV:

I was listening to Franky said he want to used the money he stole from us to built a ship with Tree Adam. He said that the Pirate King'ship, Zoro Jackson also used the same tree to build their ship. So we accepted it.
(In this part, Terenes agree to join the Starw Hat crew, mostly was forced by Luffy.)

Suddenly, a hole appeared at the wall building and a man with a dog mask appeared at the hole.

"So you guys are the Straw Hat pirate crew?" The old man asked and finally he turned and saw Luffy was eating his food while sleeping.

"He still remain the same. Wake up quickly Luffy!" The old man said and run past all of us with an incredible speed and hold his fist and beat Luffy's head.

"That's hurt!" Luffy said while hugging his head.

"Hurt? But aren't you're made of rubber? How can you felt hurt?" Sanji asked the captain.

"There's nothing can beat the Fist of Love." The man said and revealed his face while taking his mask. "Long time no see, Luffy."

And this time is Luffy felt shocked and stared at the old man, "Gra...gra... gramps!?"

"Gramps?!" Everyone shocked after received the information.

Oh no, so the Marine Hero are here. We are dead. I thought myself.

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