2. Bounty for me?!

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Third Person POV:

During the training season, Terenes moved into the empty room inside the bar. Shakky is good to her, she always prepared the meal for them after they finished the training. So Terenes would help her in the bar when she is free.

Rayleigh...maybe is strict during the training but he still take good care of Terenes beside taking her to gambling or stole money.

Terenes sometimes will asked him told the story about his journey with the Pirate King during the training. She never expected one of the Yonko, red hair Shanks is one of the apprentice on Roger's crew.

Terenes POV:

'It almost two year since I had been training with the old man. Time flies.' I sit in front of the counter while drinking the tea that prepared from Shakky.

"Tres, what do you planned to do after you finish the training?" The old man asked me out of the blue.

"I want to continue my journey on the sea and go to look for different islands." I said excitedly, close my eyes and imagine my life on the sea.

"But Tres-chan, do you know you had a 100,000,000 Beli bounty on your head? Although the bounty said Only Alive, it's still dangerous for you." Shakky said worried.

"Wait what? I had a bounty? I didn't know that. When did they put it? I thought I had good enough hidden from them."

"I guess maybe some marine saw us during our training because there's a marine base at grove 66. If that's the case, you need to leave as soon as possible or else they will noticed you are here." Rayleigh stated.

I look down on my feet and both my hand clutch on my pant. I already know I will leave them in the future, but I never expected to leave them so soon. I'm reluctant to leave. There's a silence between us before I speak up,

"Maybe this is the end for my training season. I guess I will leave tomorrow. I prom-" suddenly both Shakky and Rayleigh give me a hug and said, " you're just like a daughter to us, we also hope that you can stay longer but for your safety, we need to let you go." They softly said to me with a sad smile.

I can feel my eyes filled with tear, I hugged back and joked," you are old enough to become my grandfather."

"Then just become my granddaughter! I allowed you to call me gramps."

"Really? Okay now I will call you gramps. Shakky looks young so I think will just called her Shakky like usual. And I promise one day I will returned to visit both of you again."

The next morning, I packed all my belongings and give Shakky and gramps one last hug. "Take care yourself." Shakky said to me before she kissed on my forehead.

"Just wait for me. I promised." I said with a look of determination and activated my devil fruit to fly away from the island. I think if I stay any longer, I will definitely hate to leave.

'So now let see, which island should I go. I need to find a nearest one because using the power of devil fruit will consume my energy. I don't want to kill myself by dropping to the sea.'

After flying a while, I finally saw an island on my sight. And I think there's a ship docked near the shore. It seems like it's a pirate ship but I cannot see the Jolly Roger clearly.

'I need to fly closer to see who's that ship belong to.'

After I fly and stop above the ship, I found no one here. 'Where did they go?' Finally I look at the Jolly Roger and notice it is a skull with a pair of crossed sabres behind it. It has two red stripes with black outline across the skull's left eye.

"Don't tell me this is their ship... But why there's nobody here? They didn't even put a single person to guard the ship."

But after consuming all my energy on flying, I need to rest for a while. Guess I need to take a rest with the Yonko crew. I stepped on the shore and walked into the jungle.

The first thing come to my sight is all the people passed out on the floor. I can even smell the hint of booze filled in the air. 'Gosh, did they drink this much until passed out? How are their lungs still working?' I wondered myself.

When I walked deeper to the jungle, I saw there is only one person standing among the passed out man. He has a medium-length grey hair and smoking cigarette on his mouth. He sensed me and turned around to face me alertly.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Umm, I'm Terenes. I just passing by the island to take a rest. I mean no harm to you all." Of course why will someone will want to attack a Yonko crew first.

The man didn't said a word and still staring at me. So I continued speak,"Will you mind me to help you? I can prepare some food for their hangover so they can eat it after they wake up..."

He silent thinking a while before speaking, "Okay fine, I will watch you prepare the food so you didn't put anything weird in it."

I start preparing the food while the man just sit beside me and watch me doing everything.

Ben POV:

This girl looks familiar to me. Did I see her somewhere else?

Somewhere of the sea

"The report said last time they saw the girl, she was with the Dark King, but after we search all the area, we cannot find her anymore."

"I guess so, they must had noticed this and helped the girl escaped already. Why the marines always fail to do these kind of stuff." A man said with frowned.

"Then should we do this ourselves?" A woman asked the man.

"No, the government didn't give the command. So we continue stick our mission in Water 7."

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