Vigilante Emiko Part 2

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"Ok, so now his eyes are glowing a dark blue, just fucking tell us what this means." Endeavour says clearly pissed off and annoyed. The aura in the theatre changes, going from the light and cheery but a sense of investment in the video to a very dark and frightening aura, that if there were a person with this aura you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it. The entire audience felt the change and they all still out of fright – well except for Endeavour. 'You really messed up old man.' Shoto thinks as he internally sighs knowing just how dumb his father is and that this is something he most definitely would do. "You really are stupid aren't you Enji." Shadow says and the entire audience can feel the anger radiating off of her. Endeavour stills and becomes extremely terrified and internally prays to every god, hoping that one will help him out but alas no god is there to help him as he deserves all the pain that comes. Shadow holds her hand up and white energy appears inbetween her pointer finger and her thumb, she snaps her fingers together and Endeavour screams in angony as every limb in his body breaks and the pieces of him fall to the floor. There is blood everywhere but Shadow fixes that by snapping her fingers once more and all the blood and the pieces of Endeavour disappear. Now before she had blown him to pieces she made sure to take the sweet innocent angels out of the theatre (Eri and Kota) and once the audience calms down and the aura returns to how it was before she returns them to the theatre. "Let's continue, shall we." Shadow says with a cheery tone of voice and everyone in the audience nods – most nod with absolute fear at what she had just done.

"You can't use your quirk because it doesn't exist. Before you ask me what I mean, let me just tell you." Izuku says and AFS who was going to ask Izuku what he meant stops. "Alright, you know how my eyes are glowing a dark blue –" Once Izuku receives a nod from both Aizawa and AfS he continues. "– well that is because it is my quirk or to be more specific my original quirk. No I am not going to give you a full description on it, but only what matters to you currently, which is that your quirk is gone and has been erased from existence. Oh, also before you ask Sensei, I didn't hide this quirk, I got it a few days ago and the past users told me that it is my original quirk." He receives a nod from Aizawa and AFS looks shocked. "W-wait so is it an erasure type quirk?" AFS asks completely forgetting that he has just lost his quirk.

"Is it like my quirk?" Aizawa asks even though he knows he isn't going to get a response.

"Yes it is." Izuku says and AFS nods. "Now since that is settled, I believe you didn't listen so therefore you have to pay." Izuku says menicingly. Izuku proceeds to beat the shit out of AFS and he then unties Aizawa and they both head back to UA.

"Alright, that is all for now." Shadow says and the audience looks at her in shock. "I'm joking that isn't all, but that is all for this video, before you ask you are still going to watch but it will be a different video. Also the video directly relates to this video." Shadow says and everyone relaxes at that.

The screen lights up to show a different setting. The setting being displayed on the screen shows a hooded figure standing on a rooftop. The figure appears to be female and has mutant atributes. The rooftop that she is standing looks to be an abandoned building as the rooftop is covered I rust, plantation and is clearly run down, as well as looking like it is close to colapsing. The camera then closes in on the figure changing from a wide shot to a full shot. The figure appears to be wearing a black hooded jumpsuit, with a voice changer mask, a utility belt with an assortment of weapons, black gloves and a mask. The figure has black lynx ears that are quite large, an unhumainly long fluffy black tail and two black horns which are also inhumainly large that have a detailed design on them that appears to be of lines and shapes combined together to create a sort of mandala that isn't in the form of a flower but instead is displayed all over the horns with no particular intention. The figure has quite large feminine features and is quite curvy.

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