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A girl sighed as she stared dreamily at the island ahead. " Inakunijima Island, this is the best place to start a fresh...." She trailed off as she looked at a short chubby boy with brown hair around her age stare out at the Island.

I guess I'm not alone then.

She looked back at the island and remembered her father who sent her to relax. Yep she was the daughter of Shimabukuro Ikutaro the CEO of Island tourism group.

'I want you to go on a trip to an my home island and stay with my closet and dearest Mother.'

' But, what if I don't get my inspiration dad?'

' That will never happen cause my lil' girl is a fighter.'

I smiled at him and hugged him tight since he was the only one I had left since mom had died when I was young.

End of flashback

By the time I had finished my recap, the boat had already been docked and I was the only one on board! Geez, could they not alert me at least?

I quickly got off board and used the map dad gave me but I quickly got lost and decided to ask a local for help.

Why Did I promise not to use my phone? Me and my big mouth...

Eventually, I got home and said hi to my Nonna. She lived next to a school and the whole day(ok so maybe not whole) I spent with her whilst drinking milk and cookies 🍪.

Knock knock!

I went to open the door and saw a girl my age handing me a basket of clams.

"Hi! I thought Nonna was alone... but it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Umihara Norika, what's your name?" She asked after she had bowed.

"Akari Minawa, pleasure to meet you too."I replied bowing.

"Are you Nonna's granddaughter or something?" I nodded.

"Well please hand these over to her, I'll see you later then. Goodbye Minawa-san," she waved as she left.

"Would you like to take a short tour?"She asked.

"Sure,why not?"I smiled

The next day at the school
"Oh? Minawa-san, good afternoon!" Norika beamed as she saw me walk through the pitch.

"Hi, you play soccer?" I asked pointing at the ball in her hands

She nodded and she later introduced me to her friends.
I liked Asuto's aura,so welcoming.

We began playing soccer together while I played in my casuals since I didn't have a uniform and they didn't have any spares.

We played till dusk and I excused myself since Nonna wanted me home early.

Friday afternoon

"Minawa-san! The soccer club... Asuto is..." Norika barged in and told me breathlessly.

"What? Asuto and the club are what?" I asked a bit startled.

"He is.. injured. He got injured trying to stop the worker's from destroying the pitch but failed..." She trailed with tears in her eyes.

"What workers?"

"I guess they are from the city's government, I've never seen them around before."

"Why are they destroying the pitch?"

"I'll explain later come on!"

We ran to school and I found Asuto bruised.

"Asuto, I know it hurts but you can't do this..." I mumbled sadly.

"So you also want the club gone, huh?" He asked

"Of course not but that doesn't mean you have to be reckless," I replied.

"Asuto quick! They called about your mother." Hiura came running towards us.

Asuto gasped and ran with Hiura to the hospital.

"What's wrong with Asuto's mom?" I asked confused.

"She has had a chronic condition and lately , she has not being doing well..." Mansaku explained to me clutching his cap.

I looked at Asuto's silhouette disappearing behind a corner and kept quiet.

Asuto's POV
"Mom, mom. Are you okay?" I asked running into the room while the staff left us alone.

"Oh my dear Asuto,what happened to your face?"

"That's not important right now, what about you mom?" I asked,worried.

"I'm afraid that I can't be with you anymore, my love."

"What? What do you mean?"

She smiled at me.

"No! You can't leave me mom, first soccer now you too? You just can't!" I began crying whiley mom held my hand with both of hers.

". You are not alone, soccer will always be there for you and so will I...." She trailed and

"No! Mom," I cried as my mom lay motionless.

After sometime, I got up and ran to my favourite cliff and I found Minawa-san there.

Back to Akari's POV

I saw Asuto run towards me with teary eyes and he hugged me tight upon reaching me.

"She's gone,soccer too...." He cried as he hugged me tighter as I stroked his back.

"You still have soccer though, I heard that there is a chance to save the island soccer. He drew back and listened intentively.

"Ok, but Minawa-san,"

"You can call me Akari now. We are friends aren't we?" I flashed him a smile.

"You can call me Inamori too then. Akari, please promise you will help me bring our soccer back for our free soccer matches and for the spirit of my dead mom?"

"I promise and she might not be here with you but she is constantly watching over you just like the sun,"


"Yes, I also know how it feels like to lose a mom too and when I'm sad, I know she is watching over me with the moon,"

"I'm sorry to hear that,"

"It's ok. Come on,we have to find out more about how to save soccer,"I said pulling his arm gently.

^⁠_⁠^ that's it for this chapter.

Sorry it is short though.


Book 1: Inazuma eleven ares x oc(Memories)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin