"Gorman, watch Burke," Ripley told the  Lieutenant as she move to the screens.

"I got him."

"Newt, stay close."

Hudson and Vasquez left the supply room with their pulse rifles locked and loaded.

"I'll go this side," Hudson said to his female comrade.

"You do that, man," Vasquez commented as they checked their motion trackers for any movement.

The atmosphere was that of an eerie silent that still made their hearts pound hard, with only their sound trackers' clicking that indicated no movement.

The atmosphere was that of an eerie silent that still made their hearts pound hard, with only their sound trackers' clicking that indicated no movement

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Meanwhile, across the compound, a bright red portal manifested in the storage room. The Doom Slayer stepped out with his shotgun in hand. The portal closed as he begun his objective. Shortly after leaving the storage room, he found himself in a long empty hallway.

He moved through the hallway to find no signs of anyone in need, anyone or anything to kill. The sound of his boots stepping on the catwalk echoed down the long hallway. A normal person would've felt nervous at the seemingly growing darkness that surrounded them.

The Slayer rounded a corner as he passed a large open vent above him. He stopped in place when he saw something on the floor. He bent a knee to lower himself, seeing that it was a small puddle, as if someone or something was drooling. He touched the puddle with his hand to see that it was not only wet, but slimy as well.

Behind the Slayer, a long, ridged tail with a sharp tip descended from the vent above him, followed by the creature that owned the tail. It slowly dropped from the vent with absolute silence and stealth.

The creature's large domed head slowly and menacingly rose up, with a tall and lanky form

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The creature's large domed head slowly and menacingly rose up, with a tall and lanky form. It emitted a involuntary hissing sound from its pores, as gelatinous liquid dripped from its body with every movement it took.

The Slayer stood back up on his feet when he had the feeling something was behind him, and slowly turned around to face whatever it was.

He saw a beast that stood about 7 feet tall. This creature was no demon, but that of an alien. He stared at the alien as it let out a low growl.

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