Stressful day

45 4 13

Blessed had nightmares of guns, they were life enders.

They brought pain into ones lives, no matter how toy companies made it look if it was shaped like a gun it was a weapon. They had no issues with police carrying them, as good cops went to save lives.

They were ignoring the insanity going on.

These were not police, they were intent to harm in either money or body.

Fear raced through them and they shivered heavily, they.. just wanted to go home.

Home to there cozy apartment, the annoying call centre job. There time with there husband, and playing games.

Blessed did not know if there was ever going an okay now, there ordinary life and guilty pleasure of fanfic writing returned. Mind you if they had known this event would happen, they would have hoped for one of there other characters. Like Solar who was a sweetie, or one of her other eternal children characters.

Shots was fired.

Fear surged through there body and soul, followed by the stretching of there magic.

Shoot... another teleportation accident, a lot more welcome this time though.

"Where are we?" Reaper asks, clearly confused.

"Not a hundred percent sure. Is everyone okay? Nothing broken, nothing bruised?" Aster asked concerned.

"I'm okay. Sorry about teleporting us. It was just so scary and I just wanted to get away." Blessed said stressed, how embarrassing. They really needed to get that under control, before they ended in a more dangerous place.

"It's no problem Blessed. We were definitely in a bit of a situation back there. If anything it was a good thing you ported us when you did. I don't know about you, but I would prefer to not get shot, thank you very much." Aster told them, Blessed felt relief from that.

"That would be ideal. I'm not sure how well your immortality would hold to getting shot considering your abilities seem to be so weakened. Probably best to avoid getting possibly killed all together. I rather not have my first job in this reality be reaping my soulmates soul." Reaper comments.

"That may not be necessary since I believe I should have the ability to reset, but I still wouldn't want to test it out. Let's figure out where we are before anything else. Depending on where we are we could probably get some stuff I wanted to do done. Hopefully everyone will be okay in Vegas before we need to meet up. I need to take my mind off of what just happened." Aster told them.

"Same/Same." Reaper and Blessed replied.

They felt Aster move, peering through there hair barely making out buildings. Seeing books there peered out in interest, they had always liked libraries. The air was cool with AC, a faint hum in the air. It was a well cared for building, but nothing screamed new.

Government funding, so likely ran on community.

"Excuse me can you help me? I seem to be a bit lost. Can you tell me where I am?" Aster asked someone, Blessed stayed silent, rather curious on the annswer.

"Your at the Rustington Library in Rustington, England."a male voice replied with a British accent, they mentally froze. The UK, they were across the world.

Just how far did there teleport's go?

Wait.. Chaos lived in the UK, no bad Blessed.. they were not seeking out there online friends which could put them in danger.

"Oh dear, I'm further than I thought. Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it."Aster told the man, aplogetically.

"No problem deary. We've had a few tourists get lost. Do you need directions?" He asked.

Undertale Awakening: Bliss or BlessedWhere stories live. Discover now