Something new, something Blue

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Finally broke down and took the invites, but joining with the most amusing OC to play with our baby Blessed from 'Walking backwards in my footsteps'

When a person woke up you didn't expect to wake up a toddler, a skeleton toddler child.

A disgruntled sound left her.. his... argh throat, yeah.. this was going to be off.

Funk it, Fire was just going call herself a she even if the body was male.

Fire frowned, the last thing she remembered was talking a bus from the local mall.. then pain.

"Cellphone cellphone," the once adult said, digging through there clothes. Of course she found nothing, as the body belonged to a baby Blues an OC she created for a story she'd nicknamed Blessed.

"Why am i in the woods?" the baby bones said looking bewildered around, as there was definitely no woods on her route.

"Stop where you are OC!" a voice shouted.

"What?" Fire said bewildered, as soldiers ran into the area she was in waving bis guns.

Wait.. was that Americans flags?

"Don't move or we will shoot!"

"I'm not," Fire cried tears in her eyes, she hated guns.

"Sooo cute!" a soldier said wide eyed.

"Soldier!" there commander ordered.

"leave me alone!" Fire cried tearfully, slamming her hands out.

"Um..." where... did this hammer come from?" she laughed nervously seeing the knocked out soldiers "Wait.. this is Blessed's hammer I wrote about in my notes that I never got to use."

"Oh my God he killed Kenny!" a new soldier said appearing like a bad video game appearance.

Fire turned and looked, nope just knocked out and wasn't wearing orange.

"Hey! Don't steal south park lines!" she cried.

"Oh my gosh your so cute, I'm going to keep you and hug you and..." at that point Fire tuned him out, as he proved himself a Bugs Bunny George... they slipped away as best they could which wasn't well since they were itty bitty tiny child with a hammer of doom.

"Wait.. no.. come back!" the soldier cried when they came back to reality a bit later.

Something was just wrong with this guy.

Undertale Awakening: Bliss or BlessedWhere stories live. Discover now