Amy just gave him a weird look before the TARDIS shook again.

"Doctor what's going on?" said Rory as he came into the console room, now having found his elusive shoe. "The TARDIS keeps shuddering and I swear there was something weird going on with the corridors," he said, pointing behind him to where he'd just been.

"He says time's gone wobbly," informed Amy, leaning in his direction slightly.

"Oh, right and that makes a lot of sense" he said, coming up next to them and putting his arm around Amy, only to practically jump out of his skin as a shrill alarm blared through the speakers around them.

"Ah, that's not good," said the Doctor, while looking up at the ceiling. There was a strange noise before all the lights went out. "That's really not good," the doctor continued from the darkness as the TARDIS then groaned loudly before the whole place began to shake like a giant earthquake. "Get down!" the Doctor's voice could be heard yelling out along with the sounds of their panicked screams echoing around the room.


The sun shone down bright and golden from the vast deep blue sky, reflecting perfectly in the glossy glass window of a large sky scraper the breathtaking view of the metal skyline of New York City. The high tips of the buildings sparkled as the metal caught the early morning light, and the Empire State Building in all its glory could be seen dwarfing the ocean of skyscrapers at the heart of the city.

A cluster of pigeons suddenly flew off cooing and flapping their wings as a shimmery white strand came out of nowhere and attached itself up above on the building. The image then disappeared as a dark shadow resembling a man passed by, momentarily blocking out the sun.

Spider-Man was not having a good morning. He'd had a terribly hectic week of studying for the countless amount of tests and exams he'd had to complete for his senior year, that he'd completely forgotten to help Aunt May paint the house, meaning, to his worry, that she'd done it all by herself. And then, to make matters worse, right when he'd been ready to crash for the weekend there had been a never-ending number of small crimes, muggings and thefts all night long last night, so he'd had little to no sleep and was completely and utterly exhausted.

He was just glad it was a Saturday, meaning he had nothing better to do than swing around town clad in his fancy dancy, red and blue spandex spidey suit, and mope about everything that was wrong with his life. Yeah, mope, that sounded like a good plan. Seriously though, sometimes he wondered if someone was out to get him, his life was just that messed up. I mean, come on, is swinging high above people's heads on nothing but thin strands of webbing, dressed up like a spider normal? Yeah, didn't think so.

To the view of your average spectator's eye he was a spectacular sight to behold as he swung through the city, weaving with perfect accuracy around buildings, through alleyways and over and under fire escapes with flawless grace. Leaping and flipping with the slight thump of his hands and feet, and the thwip of his web shooters being the only sounds he made as he whooshed past.

With a large swinging arc he whizzed around a corner and straight over the busy main streets of New York. Instantly the sights, sounds and smells of the overly active city greeted his enhanced senses.

Cars were moving to and fro like a wave beneath him and yellow taxi cabs honked their horns in frustration. The chatter of many people could be heard as they went about their daily routines, either rushing to work, having a chat with a friend at one of the local coffee shops, or touring the place as tourists. He could smell the delicious food being cooked in the many different restaurants that lined the streets as it wafted up to greet him in the air, and couldn't help but let it bring a small smile to his masked face.

Despite its unpleasantness, this was home, and the people down there on the streets were the ones he swore to protect, day and night, from the evils of this world as best he could. And despite how bad his life got, he would never give up on that.

At the height of his swing he let go of his web line and performed a perfect triple spin and posed in mid air, before diving head first towards the ground with his arms by his side. He shot off a new web line before he got too close to the ground and swung in really low through the traffic. In response, many bystanders noticed him and he received many gasps of both surprise and awe.

To the people of this city Spider-Man was quite an icon, a marveled mystery often discussed by many people of all walks of life. Some appreciated him and some hated him. But unfortunately, he always felt the weight of the latter. It was one of the downfalls of being Spider-Man and living the life he led. Not everyone will trust you, and that always weighed heavily on Spidey's mind.

He felt the breeze rush past him as he ascended up towards the sky once again and performed a wonderful series of acrobatic back flips. The sun lit up his brightly coloured outfit, making him stand out to the people below and his big, white, friendly bug eyes reflected as he swung over the streets with inhuman ability, continuing his acrobatic show all along the way. Now normally he would be whooping and yelling with joy, but not today. Today he had one specific destination in mind.

He began to slow down as he neared his goal, turning off the main roads and swinging down some smaller streets. Flipping slowly over in the air he shot a web to the top of a building and somersaulted onto a large brown gargoyle where he perched on its back in a crouch, with both his arms and legs beneath him.

"Hiya Bruce, did ya miss me?" he asked, giving the silent gargoyle a pat on its ugly dog-like head. He then gazed up over the streets from his position perched up high on the ledge.

He often came here to just mull over his thoughts. He found it a good place to just sit and think. Bruce, the gargoyle, posed as a perfect vent for him to tell his problems to, or to just have conversations with. Its inability to reply was surprisingly therapeutic, as he'd solved a lot of his problems up here just talking to it.

Spidey let out a great big sigh and looked back down at the gargoyle. "So, what should I do, hey Brucie?" he asked. Bruce was just silent, as usual. "Hmm," Spidey mumbled to himself. He then lowered his head. "Everything's just too much, I can't deal with it all at once," he complained. "I'm running around like a chook with its head chopped off, or, more like a spider with its head chopped off," he joked, scoffing slightly. "I just don't know how I'm supposed to balance all my responsibilities, and I'm so worried about Aunt May," he said miserably. After that, he just sat there for a few minutes, silently.

"Come on! Can you please just give me some sort of assistance! I'm drowning down here!" He suddenly yelled up at the sky, startling a few more pigeons.

Just then, his spider-sense went off. It was just a light buzz in the back of his head at first along with a strange wheezing sound like a hundred trumpeting elephants behind him. "Oh, what now," he moaned, before it suddenly started to increase in magnitude.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs in a high pitched scream, as his spider-sense exploded in his head and he fell off the gargoyle, hanging upside down beneath it by a single thread of web, while swaying from side to side dramatically. He had his legs both clasped to the web above him while his hands gripped the thin line.

His bouncy swaying began to slow down before coming to a stop, and his spidey-sense stopped pounding in his skull. As soon as he came to his senses, he looked up his body and web line to the gargoyle on the edge of the building.

He was quite surprised to find a big, blue police box sitting right behind his gargoyle on the edge of the building, which he swore was not there a minute ago. After a few minutes of debating and no activity from the box, he decided to slowly creep up the web, and take a look.


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