Chapter 7 - Anakin

Start from the beginning

"You can come with us," Ahsoka offers.

That – he wishes he could. But realistically.... He doesn't know. He can't just walk away from Sidious. He can't, no matter how much he wants to. And the Empire... He won't abandon it. But he also can't let Sidious get ahold of his children no matter what, and he'll do anything for them. And he will be having words with his master for what he ordered done to Ahsoka. There is no justification for that.

"We can... destroy my master," Vader answers, slowly, "And rule the Empire in his stead."

"Rule the Empire?" Mill squeaks, taken by surprise.

"Yes. It is a stability the galaxy needs, regardless of how it... came to be." Because he knows Obi-Wan and Ahsoka will have ceaseless objections about this.

They exchange a glance.

"We're not supporting an Empire, Anakin," Ahsoka argues, firmly. "It's caused nothing but destruction."

"Because of Sidious. He is... failing what he promised," Vader replies, "We can make it better."

"And what?" Obi-Wan demands, no more impressed, "You're going to become an Emperor now?"

That tone always grates on him, remembering how small and worthless it always did and still does make him feel, but withholds the instinctive urge to snap back at him. "I presumed you. Or Ahsoka. I would serve you and the Empire as I did under my master."

Why are they just staring at him like that?

"You're asking me to become Emperor?" Obi-Wan asks, incredulously.

He crosses his arms. "If you desire. It is for the galaxy, what you – believed in. Unless Ahsoka would..."

"I... don't think either of us are qualified for that," she objects, a bit blown away. There's no question of that, but there's few people he would actually trust with that kind of role, especially after Sidious' failed promises. "Why are you so against it being restored to the Republic?"

"The Republic was ineffective. It lacked the strength to do what needed to be done. There were so many it did not help." He falters for a moment. "I know the... Empire did not do what it was meant to, but Sidious promised it would be different, once the galaxy was stabilized."

"And you actually believed he would care?" Obi-Wan asks.

"I had no reason not to."

"Aside from that he started the war and senselessly slaughtered the Jedi?"

Why, why does everything with them have to be like this? Why can his master never listen? Even if he can understand it if Obi-Wan... never forgives him for what he did. (He shouldn't.) "You did not know with certainty that he started the war," Vader retorts, "That was mere speculation. He was all that held the Republic together for years."

Obi-Wan scoffs. "That –"

"Do we need to argue about this?" Mill interjects, though she looks like she wishes she was anywhere else, "It... it doesn't help. It's making you both more upset."

Vader breathes out in an effort to calm himself, mildly distracted for a moment at being able to control his breathing again. It was always the respirator that did that for years. It feels like he needs to keep remembering to breathe, in the first place.

Not that his former master's presence right here, knowing they could end up fighting again, is making that much easier.

"The Republic and Jedi always did what they could to help," Obi-Wan argues finally, maybe a touch less antagonistically.

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