Chapter 6 - Abeloth

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Ahsoka tries to steel herself, as the ship streaks through the sky, to where they can sense Abeloth. The moment has finally come. They're going after her for one last time. They have to finish her off, once and for all. If they don't, they'll... die trying. If they fail, who knows what it will mean for the galaxy.

She throws a tense glance between all of them, anxiety twisting inside of her. Once, she was used to missions like this, but now – She just found Anakin again. What if something happens to him again? She doesn't think she could handle that, but there's nothing they can do.

From the tense way the other three are holding themselves, she can tell they're feeling similarly.

Anakin seems... a little better. Maybe the faintest bit less dark, though his presence is also brighter now, because he's more human. She's still feeling sick at the mere sight of what he looked like. How could he even – anything like that. She would like to have some serious words with Obi-Wan later, but right now, they need to focus on the mission.

And for the first time in almost three years, since she left the Order, it's a mission where Anakin is at her side. He has his hood pulled up over his head, mostly concealing his face, almost as though he's hiding, but he's... here.

But is she about to lose that again? There's so much she wants, needs to say to him first, but she doesn't know where to start. Years ago, she thought they'd have time to talk after, but after never came.

A pulse of energy ripples through the Force, and on the horizon, she sees two columns of... nearly visible energy rising. One is dark – it seems to practically be sucking all light into itself – and a distance away, on the other side of the horizon, is one that's just as light as the other one is dark, practically glowing.

It feels like a hole's being ripped in reality, and – Force. Is she trying to turn the twins into the Ones?! The Son and Daughter?! "We're too late," Obi-Wan realizes, practically deflating.

"We can still stop her," Anakin retorts, firmly. They have to. Especially when she can so keenly feel Anakin's fear over his children's fates.

"She must be somewhere in the middle, to be doing this at once," Mill realizes.

"Those are the entrances to the Well of the Light and Dark, aren't they," Ahsoka agrees, as the ship speeds forwards. She... really feels bad for the twins right now, likely abandoned in those wells all alone with no idea what's happening. They have to stop this. These are Anakin's children – how that happened, she has no idea, but she can already see how much they mean to him.

"Don't we need a plan?" Mill asks, almost nervously, "How will this go any differently than before?"

"Anakin is stronger now," Ahsoka offers, but truthfully, she's scared. How could this end without all of them dying?

"We don't have time for a drawn-out plan. We need to focus on getting the twins from her," Obi-Wan points out, "If we leave with the ship, she'll be left here."

Anakin hesitates, uncertainly. "If we are failing," he says, finally, "Leave to get the twins. I will face her myself."

Horror rises inside of Ahsoka, instantly. "We're not going to leave you to die!"

"If I cannot stop her now, there... will be no other time," is all he says.

Maybe he's not wrong, but she's hating this more and more. Ahsoka shifts closer to him, as the shuttle finally circles in, landing a distance from Abeloth.

She's in her human form, floating above the ground, clearly in deep meditation. She definitely senses them approaching, but she's probably too focused on the ritual – which is essentially ripping apart the Force itself – to interrupt and lash out at them. Unless she's just waiting to squash them all in one swipe.

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