She looks momentarily taken aback at the words. "But he's a Sith," she objects, finally, "He had to be stopped, and Sith are never truly defenseless, are they?"

Perhaps not. Certainly not Sidious, but that doesn't change what it was. "I saw what the Jedi intended to do," he replies, firmly, "They were going to overthrow the Republic."

"Even if that were true, why would that make you Fall?" she protests.

"The Master of the Order was willing to violate all principles he Jedi claimed to hold. I did not know how far it went," he answers, bluntly. But discussing this is pointless. "Why is it that you are here?"

"I –" Ahsoka cuts herself off, crossing her arms, like she's weighing how much she should or shouldn't say. "I'm tracking Abeloth. And you?"

"I have been sent to deal with her, as well," he confirms, "We must move quickly if we are to find her." That – this is one thing he does want. To fight alongside Ahsoka again, even if they... are supposed to be enemies. He can figure out what to do about that once the mission is over.

"We do need to," she agrees, reluctantly, "It will be easier if we work together. But I still have questions. You're still... working with the Empire now?"


"Why? Haven't you seen what they're doing?" she demands.

"It is bringing peace and order to the galaxy," he asserts. At least that's what it's supposed to be doing. It's not working like he imagined, but when they're trying to rebuild from the ashes of the Republic, it's... hard. Especially when it's not as if the people in charge now are any different than the Republic.

"Peace?" she repeats, incredulously, "I can't believe you haven't seen the death and destruction the Empire is causing. And I don't just mean in the Rebellion. I watched an entire village burned to the ground because of me, because an Inquisitor was searching for me, as a Jedi. And the people didn't even know anything."

Vader stills.

Of course, Ahsoka would be constantly in danger because of the hunt for the Jedi. He knew that, but he never realized how close she might have come to dying because of it. And... the rest...

"There is still undeniably much corruption," he answers, at length. It sounds lame, like nothing more than an excuse, which is... true. Sidious promised to root it all out, but it's not happening like he said. "It is little different than the Republic."

"At least in the Republic, the Jedi were still there so we could actually do something about it," she argues, with every bit of the passion and fierceness she's always had for what she believes in. She's always seen things in black and white, and he's not surprised she's unwilling to listen to any of this, but – First, he should focus on the current mission from Sidious. Then... he will worry about after, later.

Except it's at that very moment he suddenly senses... something. It's a Force presence – why is it so familiar? – that brushes against his, before just as quickly pulling away, but it was enough to know that there must be another Jedi right here.

Whoever it was, it was too fast and fleeting for him to grasp properly. He reaches out with the Force again, instantly, searching.

But he doesn't have to start looking because then a black-haired Zabrak rounds the corner. She looks about fifteen, and even if she's tinged in red thanks to his visors, the Force presence is too familiar. He only knew Mill briefly, once in the mission to Cato Neimoidia to save Obi-Wan, and then later, when they were fighting Abeloth, but he could never forget her.

Why is it that everyone from when they last fought the Mother are suddenly coming back together?

Mill had given him what no one ever did. A belief that he might matter for something other than his power, even if he knows now it's untrue.

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