Home Sick.

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After waking up and leaving the hotel Cody and Camo went to a cafe and ate breakfast "Sleep well?" Asked Cody to Cody Clone "Yup! You?" Camo asked Cody "Pretty well." He said eating breakfast. As soon as they are done eating their breakfast they went out to sights of the city "This is great, I can't wait for the whole week!" Camo said while in a water boat with Cody looking around The Grand Chanel "Me too." Cody said smiling.

Camo and Cody walked around Piazza San Marco and other sights and stores. Camo pointed out buildings and landmarks to name them and Cody listened with interest. Later, They went to a restaurant to get lunch and then got new phones. They walked around a shop with hats and stuff and got new clothes to wear and after that they found a fish market and walked around there "Didn't know people ate fish up here." Cody said glancing around the market "Well, this part of almost everyone's diet here." Explained Cody Clone to Cody as he looked around as well "Wanna head back? I'm kinda hungry." He asked "Yeah, let's go." Cody nodded as Cody Clone ushered Cody out of the market.

At dinner Cody glanced outside of the hotel window to the city "Hey, you okay?" Camo noticing him looking at the city "Yeah, I just miss home. That's all." Cody said to him still staring at the window "Oh, well if you miss them. You can call them Cody." Camo said gently to him "I'll think about it, Camo." Cody said turning and started to eat his dinner and Camo started to eat as well. After a few months Cody and Camo looked around Venice and other sights in the city and around other parts of in a gondola "Do you think we and see the rest of Italy?" Asked Cody Clone to Cody "Sure, where you do you want to go?" Said Cody as they got of and paid for the ride "Everywhere Cody." Camo said to him "Okay!"  Cody smiling and following him to a store still thinking about calling home.

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