{Halo: A Short Mario Fanfiction}

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For a very long time, I accepted the fact that love was a luxury that I, despite having many, many riches, cannot afford. It was tradition. My only duty was to marry for the simple sake of political alliance, happiness not even being taken into consideration. I accepted them, giving up on my chances of true love. That was, until I met Mario.

When Bowser, the ruthless Koopa tryant, attacked my kingdom and kidnapped me, Mario gathered his courage, and faced Bowser all by himself, just to rescue me. It was a deed that I will never forget. No other person has ever risked their own life just to save mine. I will forever be grateful for him in ways that I simply cannot express. Mario had never met me either. He and his brother, Luigi, had been teleported to my kingdom from a place they called "Earth". He had heard that I had been kidnapped by my advisor, Toadsworth, and together, him and Luigi saved my kingdom, with Mario setting out to save me, and Luigi staying back, trying to help Toadsworth sort out the damages and chaos that was left in Bowser's wake.

To thank him, I baked him a cake, it was the least thing that I could do. Eventually, Mario and Luigi came to the desicion that the best thing for them was to stay in the Mushroom Kingdom, something that both Toadsworth, I, and my subjects all supported. Life went on.

Until Bowser came back.

Once again, Mario saved me, and yes, I thanked him with a cake, but this time, I felt as if he deserved more than that. We still hadn't yet gotten to start a friendly relationship, and I desperately wanted to get to know my hero. Hence why I invited him over to my castle, for a chat over a cup of tea. I was very surprised when he showed up. He seemed shy at first, but eventually when we started to talk, he started to get increasingly more extroverted.

"You know what, princess?" I raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "Honestly, and-- no offense, but-- a-and i've never met any other royals before, but-" "Take your time, dear." I chuckle. His red face was quite cute. "You're..you're different than others, princess. Like, in a good way. You're kind, sweet, funny-" I smile. "I think the same about you, too Mario." I say, a light blush creeping across my face. "Ahem," someone clears their throat behind us, interupting our conversation. We both look over in usion, to see Toadsworth standing by the door.

"Oh, Toadsworth!" I exclaim, mentally running through my schedule, hoping that I didn't spend too much time conversing with Mario. "I am sorry that I have to interrupt your..gathering, but you have a meeting with Prince Haru, my princess." I completely forgot about that one. I glance to Mario, who had a soft smile on his face. I look back over to Toadsworth. "Toadsworth, you are dismissed. Thank you." My elderly advisor then exits the terrace.

I sighed and face Mario. I stare into his cyan eyes for a moment, admiring the shine that reflected off of them, before Mario makes a small sound and starts to stand up. "I-i'm sorry, princess. I don't mean to keep you," "O-oh, no..it's quite alright..actually..." I quickly place a delicate hand on top of his. I feel a spark run through my body as we come in contact. "I..need to show you something," I say plainly, standing up and taking Mario's hand. He smiles, and allows me to lead him down the stairs and into the grassy feilds of my courtyard.

We walk for a little bit, trudging through the many trees that dotted the terrain of my backgardens, until we were in a secluded spot in the woods, almost completely surrounded by large Tanooki trees. Mario looked at the trees in awe, taking in the leaves' warm colors as the sunlight reflected off of them. We sit, back-to-back next to what seemed to be the largest Tanooki tree in the batch, and just silently appreciated each others' presence.

Before I knew it, the sun had started to make it's way down beneath the hills of my kingdom. I instantly sit up at the sight of this. The sudden movement shocked Mario, and he sat there in surprise, until he realized all the time that had passed while we had been sitting there. Toadsworth was sure to be angry.

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