Taehyung smiles because at least he wasn't a blind person in love and knew when to put himself over love. He's glad Jungkook was an understanding person rather than someone who would break up and move on. But then, how come he became so depressed in the days before his accident?

In his thoughts, he misses the fond way Jungkook looks at him before turning his head towards the tree, humming softly. "I stayed in the US for two years, and part of me was afraid that maybe this long-distance relationship might break us apart. We got into so many fights for the first six months that I had enough. I thought this would be it, but then you video-called me, and we talked calmly with each other, tried to understand each other, and finally, we got to the conclusion that no matter how worse our fight gets, we won't hang up on each other until we solve it. It improved our relationship a lot. "

"When Jin hyung got married, I came to Seoul for a few days and stayed at your apartment since I didn't have my own. Even though I told hyungs that I was looking for one. I never really did. I made an impulsive decision to return to Seoul because I hated being so far away from you. "

"Why didn't we talk about our relationship to others when you returned to Seoul?" Taehyung asks, making Jungkook smile.

He had wondered 'why' too. They could've told them, and their hyungs would've helped and guided them. This all would've been prevented, but Jungkook knows there was nothing that could be done now, and rather than staying in the past, they had to accept it and move on with it.

"You had said that you didn't want to take their attention away, so we thought to say it once the marriage was done, and they would return from their honeymoon, but then Yoongi hyung and Jimin's engagement came. I set up the whole cruise trip, and Yoongi hyung proposed. Can you believe it? I was ready to throw them into the ocean. I even had prepared my ring and the speech. " Taehyung laughed along with Jungkook.

"Then, the third time I tried to confess, Hoseok hyung dropped the bomb of him being selected as the face of Vogue Korea. It was a big thing, and we all were proud of him, but it also stopped us from spilling anything, and then the fourth time, we were having our private picnic. Only seven of us were present, and right when I was about to speak, I realized that I had mistakenly swallowed an almond, triggering my allergy. As a result, all of us had to rush to the hospital. "

"The timing is so wrong. " Jungkook smiles at Taehyung's comment and sighs.

"Very wrong. I thought the universe was against us from revealing our relationship to anyone. In this, we never realized when four years were spent and telling them was becoming difficult. We all were so packed with our schedules that it was rare for us to meet all together. " Taehyung looked at the sad expression on Jungkook's face, which made him wonder about the reason behind that face.

"One day, my mom saw us again, kissing each other in the park, and she yelled at me in front of you. When you had tried to reason with her, she had slapped you. " Taehyung looks at the other, surprised.

"Woah, that was unexpected. " Taehyung winces, but Jungkook's expression doesn't change.

"Yeah, it was. I was shocked to say anything while Mom kept yelling at me to break up with you. She didn't like the idea of me being gay. We both had a big fight, and we didn't talk until Dad and hyung brought this topic to Mom, which led to their divorce. They both never liked each other anyway, and fights between them were common for as long as I remember, yet somehow, they managed to raise us without any difficulties. I guess me coming out as gay was the final straw for both of them. " Taehyung stared at the sad expression of the other, and he felt sorry.

Jungkook must have suffered a lot, from getting his parents divorced to fights with his mom for being gay. Taehyung knows he would never be able to live if his hyungs and parents hadn't supported him, and he wonders if he was responsible for this.

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