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The next time Taehyung opened his eyes, he saw everything white, his one hand grasped in such a tight fist that he wouldn't be surprised if he woke up with broken bones.

However, his consciousness doesn't stay for long and slips out again, and the last thing that remains in his head is one hand locked in a tight fist and a slight pinch in another.

Taehyung didn't know how much time passed because he kept hearing some voices in his head. He couldn't pinpoint to whom it belonged, but it relieved him that someone was there with him.

He wasn't alone here, and that's all the consolation he needed.

When Taehyung gained consciousness, he saw the same doctor who was with him the last time he woke up in a hospital bed.

The nurse was different, and they were trying to talk to him, but Taehyung couldn't grasp any word. His vision was still blurry, but not enough to restrict him from seeing.

A hand held his hand and caressed it gently, and something cold and hard was pressed against his feet, which made him focus on his surroundings. "Can you hear us, Taehyung-ssi?" The doctor asks, and this time Taehyung can actually hear his voice.

Taehyung hummed slightly to it. His throat was dry, and everything felt strange.

"How old are you Taehyung-ssi?" The doctor asked when the cold thing was removed from his feet.

"22? No, I think 25. "

"You think? Would you be able to explain more?" The doctor asks, and Taehyung hums.

"I lost my memories. Hyung said I'm 25, but only remember my life till 22. So I consider myself 22, but I have to say 25 to others. " Taehyung slurred, eyes dropping close, but he forced them to open.

The doctor says something and writes something on his notepad. "Do you remember what happened the last time? What made you pass out? Any last thing you remember?"

Taehyung thinks he remembers Jungkook saying he was taken to Sara, then Jungkook showing up at his house with the paintings he made. He remembers Jungkook trimming his nails, then Jimin calling him with Yoongi saying something, and he cried. Jungkook was angry and went out, and he cried throughout the night.

"Walk to the park because my head hurt. Some wet thing on my hand. " And he was out again. But his brain was still awake, and he heard a few words. Anesthesia. Too much. Later.

And he fell asleep again, a dreamless sleep.

He didn't know how much time passed when he would wake up and see everyone again, but finally, when Taehyung woke up, his eyes fell on Jin dozing off on the chair, a book open in his hands, while he slept silently.

His hyung looked nice. Taehyung smiles, admiring the elder from the bed.

The door opens slightly, and a black mop of hair peeks inside, but the door closes even before Taehyung can see the face of the person. However, the sound of the door wakes up Jin, and he looks at Taehyung with wide eyes and then quickly presses the button on the side of the table.

"Tae-ah. " The elder calls softly, gently bringing his hand to caress Taehyung's hair, and it feels nice.

It's been a while since someone caressed his hair.

The door opens, and this time the same doctor comes inside. "Ah, I'm so glad to see you awake, Taehyung-ssi. " The male smiled and brought out the notepad, which was the last time a nurse had in her hands.

"So do you mind answering some questions, or do you still feel any problems? Like blurred sight, sleepiness, headaches, or problems while talking and listening?"

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