"Who the fuck was blowing you up last night?" Kelley asked, pulling her shirt over her head.

Eleanor yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Taylor's friends. They got my number and put me in a group chat with them and forgot I was in London."

"I kind of hate how awesome your life is." Kelley shook her head, the grin on her face showing that she meant no malice. "Taylor fucking Swift's friends are so cool."

"Aw Kels, you think I'm cool?" Eleanor joked, finally deciding that it was time to get out of bed.

The defender rolled her eyes. "I said your life was cool, not you."

"I'm pretty sure you've called me cool multiple times since yesterday." Eleanor nudged her with her foot as she made her way to her suitcase.

"I take it all back." Kelley said, still grinning.

Eleanor chuckled, finally somewhat awake. "Is Alex in the bathroom?"

Kelley shrugged. "Why do you think I'd know?" She asked, her voice slightly defensive.

Eleanor was taken aback by the tone, it seemed to come straight out of left field. "Chill, dude, just a question."

Kelley relaxed slightly, causing Eleanor to raise an eyebrow. "You're weird."

"Whatever, I'll, uh, catch you at breakfast." The shorter girl all but ran out of the room.

Eleanor narrowed her eyes at the door Kelley had just hastily thrown closed. She had an overwhelming feeling that the freckled girl was hiding something. But what was it? And why did a question about Alex provoke it? They seemed to be best friends.

Speaking of Alex, the forward was indeed in the bathroom and the slamming of the door had caused her to quickly come out and investigate.

"What the hell was that?" She asked Eleanor, still in the process of putting her hair up in a ponytail

"Don't ask me, I just work here." Eleanor joked, shrugging her shoulders in confusion. "She seemed...I don't know like mad when I asked if you were in the bathroom. Are y'all fighting?"

"Not that I know of?" Alex shrugged. "I'll talk to her. Bathroom is free."


After breakfast and a team meeting, everyone made their way to the practice field for their first official Olympic practice. No pressure there.

Eleanor had sat on the bus with some of the veterans, having lose Kelley and Alex after breakfast had concluded. However, as soon as they set foot on the field, Alex and Kelley were back at her side, finally enabling her to breathe.

The team paired off and due to the odd number of players this year, Kelley, Alex, and Eleanor stayed on brand as the group of three.

They began passing the ball, falling into a comfortable silence. Eleanor felt strangely akin to her two teammates, like she'd known them her whole life. It was almost as strong as her connection to Taylor, but nothing would ever rival that. Maybe she just forged strong friendships when she let herself?

Alex shanked the ball and it smacked Kelley in the upper thigh. She winced at the sudden contact, but Alex's genuine surprise and concern made the defender just laugh it off.

Invisible String [T.S-E.S BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now