5.Cupcake 🧁

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Srida's pov

The way he called me cupcake , I don't know why but I felt it nice and I smiled in my mind, no one gave me a nickname except my family and that too just the short form of my actual name . Still it felt strange and now I'm confused because I don't know which personality of him is real because he behaves so differently every time , I think he is bipolar by judging his behaviour ,how he behaved in front of everyone and how he behaved so gently with me when no one is listening to us , not even Kanvi as she is busy in her phone . It's so complicated and I don't want to admit it but he is handsome and muscular. But his good side can be fake , I don't know him I just met him a few hours back , I can't trust him. I repeated it in my mind and I'll try to maintain distance from him . Anyway he is a senior so I don't think there are regular encounters between us.
Just then our professor came and introduced herself . Yeah I'm in class and the period right now going on is microeconomics and Kanvi is sitting beside me.
" Good morning students. I'm your microeconomics professor . Myself Sonia Kukreja. Today is your first lecture with me and I hope you all study the subject with interest and yeal. It's a very interesting subject , I guess you all have studied it in school a little bit . Now we will discuss it in detail . But before that , please give me ur brief introduction one by one. Let's start from the first bench. " Professor Sonia said.
Then students started giving their introduction. I'm sitting in the middle and luckily I have some time to gather confidence. I'm nervous right now. Soon my turn came.
" Hello, I'm Srida Singh, I'm from Punjab and I'm a hardworking person." I said with nervousness.
" Hii, myself Kanvi Raheja and I'm an enthusiastic person " Kanvi introduced herself. Then turn by turn everyone introduced themselves. It took almost 10-15 minutes and then she started teaching . It's just an introductory lecture and she is just explaining to us the course and the syllabus . Economics is always the subject of my interest. So understanding these topics is not that tough for me . She is teaching us ,just then some students came into the class or I can say seniors and Kavish and Vidharth are among them. Why God is doing that always. I want to maintain distance and here he is always bumping with me . God knows how I can ignore him because he has that kind of aura that no one can ignore at their own will at least.
" So ,Hi guys ,I'm Kavish and I'm ur senior " Kavish introduced himself.
" And I'm Vidharth, B.A economics hons. And I'm also ur senior . " He said in all his glory. This guy is unbelievable. He behaves like he owns the college .
" And these are some of our classmates and we all welcome you in our college with pleasure and joy. So A very heartwarming welcome to all of you in our college and we hope that you'll enjoy ur college life and we are here to guide you at every step." Kavish said and encouraged us. He is such a sweet and genuine person. He has a calm aura unlike his friend.
" Now the important announcement for which we came here is that your freshers party is decided to be held on an upcoming Saturday night in the Auditorium hall and timing is going to be 7.00 pm . The dress code decided is Western . Also the day scholars are required to submit the permission letter signed by their parents ,without that letter any day scholars will not be allowed in the Function.I hope you all understood everything. If someone has any questions, you can ask me ." Vidharth said.
" Sir, is any permission letter required for the hostellers " a girl named Isha I guess asked.
" No , there is no need for hostellers to submit anything , but do one thing inform your warden and your guardian about the function" Kavish said." And also no one needs to address us with sir/mam our college doesn't have that rule, so chill guys 😉 " He again said.
" Also those students who want to participate in the activities can give their names to us right now ,so that we can prepare the list . The activities involved are:-Dancing, Singing , Instrument playing ,Acting , Poetry, Costume show . For now these are decided , if anything will be added we'll inform you in the group , link will be sent to you in ur respective groups . Now one by one u can give me ur names and the activities you want to participate in " Vidharth explained everything with every detail and not in arrogance this time. This guy is a mystery .
Then everyone started giving their names.
" Kanvi , you want to participate?" I asked her.
" Yes, in singing " She said.
" Okay, then I will participate in dancing" I said. I don't dance that often but I always participate in dance competitions and contests ,so why not here .Then I stood up and said
" I want to participate" I said .
" In which activity" Vidharth said with gentleness. And the shock on Kavish's face is visible ,I guess he doesn't talk gently that often .
" Uhmm, Dancing" I said.
" Very well, cupcake " He said and mouthed the last part and again I felt something . He is bad news in my life .
" Anyone else " He asked again.
" Uhmm, yeah I want to participate" Kanvi said.
" In which activity do you want to participate" he said normally but not gently . What's up with him ,why he behaves that differently with me and why that special treatment. Oh god ,it's so confusing . I'm gonna kill him to put me in that situation.
" Singing" kanvi said.
" Okay, noted." Vidharth said.
" So now everything is decided, we request you all to attend this function and a special thank you to miss Sonia for giving us the valuable time of her class and one more thing guys , she is a very kind and generous,don't be afraid of her" kavish said and said the last part laughing.
" No no you guys are so sweet ,and the announcement is anyway important, it's just okay" Miss Sonia said.
" Now we should leave , you guys continue your lecture and if you guys will have any doubt in the future,please contact us " Kavish said.After saying that, they came down from the podium and started to leave ,when Vidharth reached me ,he whispered in very low voice, so that only I can hear
" See uh soon, cupcake ."and winked .Oh god , I'm literally gonna kill him .

After that , Mam gave us the link to her subject group and we all joined it.
" Students, all imp information and class timings are notified in the group only, so if I'm not informing anything about my leave , there is no leave, last year students didn't even attend classes and were excused by saying that I'm absent. This year I'll not tolerate this behaviour ,I'm friendly doesn't mean I'll tolerate your misconduct and Indiscipline. Keep that in mind and with that we will finish today's lecture. See uh tomorrow. Have a nice day" Miss Sonia said.

Then we all wished her and exited the class to attend the next class. Today is going to be a long day.


Author's note-:

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Till then byee 👋
Lots of 💕<3

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