4. Strange feeling

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Vidharth's pov -:

I was talking with Riya and Disha and trying to make Riya understand that I don't like her She has been bothering me for the past one year and I'm irritated now because I'm not interested and especially not in her . She is not my type . I want someone strong ,genuine, and a sweet ,caring person . I don't seem like that guy because I have a devilish personality and I like that because I did hard work to gain that reputation,but deep down I know what kind of girl I want . I'm not a Playboy and I respect girls . That is the reason I'm not saying anything to Riya,but she is now pissing me off . I was thinking of my dream girl , just then Arjun came from behind ,he is our classmate and a good friend of mine and Kavish. And kavish is the son of my bua(Aunt). But we r of the same age ,so we are more like buddies .

" Hey bro " Arjun said.
" Hii bro " I said and gave a hug.
" What's going on" He asked.
" You very well know from the situation now,what's going on here" I said and looked in Riya's direction.
" Bro ,let me tell you very politely please leave him ,he is not going to accept you in any way ,find someone who loves you and cares for you " He explained to make her understand. But Riya is gonna understand,no way. I've been doing the same for the last one year and genuinely speaking,now I'm irritated by her, she literally doesn't have self respect,you can't make someone love you ,do you?
" Arjun ,just leave her she is not gonna understand" I said to him in an irritated voice. Just then a female voice came from behind us.
" Excuse me,I'm a fresher here ,can you please tell me where the cafe here" She asked .
We all turned after hearing her voice and before I could control myself ,i replied rudely
" We are not here to show directions to juniors" . Trust me I regretted the very next moment I saw her . I felt something strange and I felt guilty talking to her like that and I don't even know why. And when I'm busy with my thoughts ,Kavish answered her and told her the directions of the cafe .
"Hii,I'm Kavish,2nd year B.com honours , ignore him😅 and yeah the cafe is right side ,take right turn and go straight ,at the end of that corridor ,u will find the cafe." Ignore me really , Bro u just meet me alone, I'll tell you 😏
" Thank you so much . I'm Srida,Ist year B.A Economics hons, Nice to meet you ☺️" she introduced herself . She has a nice name and her smile is beautiful. I felt a sudden urge to talk to her.
" Ohh,mention not and nice to meet you too 😊." Kavish said. I know him very well what he is trying to do . And I'm staring at both of them the whole time ,more on that girl .
Meanwhile, Arjun ,Riya and Disha are standing beside me . Then I looked in Riya's direction. I have to do something now. Enough is enough now ,she is pissing me off and because of her ,I talked to that junior rudely which I'm regretting now.
" Look, Riya it's enough now , you are bothering me for the past one year and I'm tolerating because I thought you will understand on ur own ,but no . So I'm warning you one last time that I will stop following me . I'm not interested in you and if not , then I will make sure you regret your existence." I said in full anger. I'm frustrated now , how can someone tolerate her ,she is a social bee who just needs attention and I'm intelligent and smart , that's why she wants to date me ,not because she likes me. After that , Riya went from there,thank God.
Then I said to Kavish,
" Bro, let's grab a coffee ,anyway she spoiled my mood ,so I need my coffee to refresh it."
" Arjun, you want to accompany us?" I asked Arjun.
" No Vidharth, I need to submit some books in the library urgently. You both go and see you in class . " He said.
" Okay ,see uh" I said to Arjun.
" Let's go ,Kavish " I said.
Then we headed to the cafe .I was thinking of that girl continuously . She is something different,she has full energy positive vibes. I came out of my thoughts ,when Kavish asked.
" You are really going for coffee or someone else " . I know it's coming .
" No ,it's not like that .I'm going for my coffee only and it's not new , I go everyday for my morning coffee ,what's new ? " I said .

No you are not going for coffee.my mind mocked me.

" Yeah yeah , I know" He said.
" Also , you said in the hall to ignore me , really . You r asking her to ignore The Vidharth Ahuja. " I backfired on him. How can he say that.

" Because the way you talked to her is not appropriate." He said .
" Don't teach me , I know how to talk with someone and I said the truth" I said.
Stop fooling yourself. My mind mocked me .

Then I walked into the cafe and the first person I saw is her waiting at the counter for her order.


Author's note-

How are you doing readers?

So it's Vidharth's pov . Let me know if u like it.

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Stay tuned for the next part

Lots of love <3

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