Chapter 3

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The sun had already set when, with their pockets much lighter than when they had entered, a very drunk Xiao Yao and a pretending-to-be-drunk Fangfeng Bei exited the pleasure house.

As Xiao Yao threw her arms over her escort's shoulder, curious gazes turned to her. Even though the traffic on the street had dwindled now that the peddlers had closed shop, there were still enough eyes that wanted nothing more than a topic of gossip to keep them busy for the next few weeks.

It was a different matter to expose her identity in the pleasure house for what happened there, stayed there. Out in the open, Xiao Yao's reputation was vulnerable. Xiang Liu's blood boiled. The beast in him grew restless, and before he could stop himself, a deep, menacing growl left his chest. He coughed to cover his slip-up, but it was too little too late.

Xiao Yao's hand fell from his shoulder, and her eyes cleared. Taking a step away from Xiang Liu, she searched his eyes. "Who are you?" she demanded like she had done the first time she had met him in his 'Fangfeng Bei' version six months ago.

The demon smirked, "Who do you want me to be?"

His deep baritone made the hair on the back of her neck stand. Her lips parted as beautiful yet dangerous inky eyes bore into hers. "Xiao Yao, who is this person that makes you want to poison him so badly?" he demanded, feigning ignorance, desperately hoping to salvage the situation so she could see him as a friend for a little longer.

The Grand Princess looked away. Her cheeks turned rosy. Xiang Liu's heart picked up speed. By now, he could differentiate between his feelings and hers. And right now, something had gotten the princess excited. He wondered what had elicited such a response from the woman who wanted to kill his alter ego. She despised Xiang Liu, didn't she?

"There you go again!" The woman in yellow pushed at the imposter's chest.

It took everything in the demon to not hold her wrist and pull her towards him. He laughed instead and took a few unsteady steps back. "Even after months of mentoring you, you still have weak spirit strength. Why is that?" The question fell from Fangfeng Bei, but it belonged to Xiang Liu.

Chapter word count: 394Word count so far: 1117

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Chapter word count: 394
Word count so far: 1117

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