"It was at a gala dinner at the start of the F1 season," Charles explained. "The FIA and F1 directors announced the filming of the movie 'Champion' and introduced the cast. And that's when I first met Alexandra."

Alexandra couldn't help but smile, listening to Charles's words as he recounted their initial encounter. She remembered that night vividly, how nervous yet excited she had been to be there.

Charles's smile grew as he continued. "I remember thinking she was incredibly beautiful, and I was eager to get to know her better."

As he spoke, Alexandra's cheeks also tinged with a rosy hue. Charles's words were a testament to the genuine connection they had formed.

"Over time, I got to know her more," Charles continued, his voice filled with sincerity. "And what really drew me to her was her kindness and her ability to care for everyone around her."

Alexandra's gaze dropped to the floor, touched by his words. The atmosphere around the table was one of warmth and understanding, as everyone leaned in to hear more.

But it was what Charles shared next that caused a collective gasp of surprise and admiration.

Charles's eyes locked onto Alexandra's, his expression tender. "I realized I was in love with her when she showed up at my door after a race where I had a DNF." He chuckled softly. "She brought a cupcake with a candle and told me to blow it out and make a wish."

The room seemed to hold its breath for a moment as the significance of Charles's words settled in. Alexandra's heart swelled with emotion, recalling that moment when she had wanted to bring a touch of happiness to his day.

Pascale, overcome by the sweetness of the story, reached out to grasp Alexandra's hand, her smile full of warmth. "My dear, it sounds like you've truly made an impression on my son's heart."

As Arthur's curiosity led him to ask about the significance of the cupcake and candle gesture, Alexandra's smile held a touch of sadness. She looked at her hands for a moment, her expression both nostalgic and heartfelt.

"It's actually a tradition my mother used to do with me and my older brother James," Alexandra began, her voice carrying a bittersweet tone. "Whenever we had a rough day, she'd give us a cupcake with a candle and tell us to blow it out and make a wish. The idea was to wish for a better day tomorrow."

The table fell silent, the weight of her words palpable. It was a glimpse into Alexandra's past, into the simple yet profound ways her mother had found to bring comfort and hope.

"I continued that tradition as I grew older, even after my mother passed away," Alexandra continued, her gaze soft but resolute. "And Lewis and I still hold onto it. When I saw how upset Charles was after his DNF, all I wanted to do was make him feel better."

Charles's eyes held a mixture of admiration and understanding as he looked at Alexandra. He could see the depth of her compassion and the genuine care she had for those around her.

Arthur's playful remark brought a light-hearted moment to the table, and he leaned in, a mischievous grin on his face. "You know, my favorite type of cake is red velvet. So, next time I have a bad race, I'll be expecting a cupcake from my new sister."

Alexandra laughed, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Consider it noted! Red velvet cupcakes for bad race days."

Arthur's teasing tone shifted to one of genuine appreciation as Alexandra turned the conversation to a more serious note. "And by the way, I thought you raced exceptionally well in Silverstone this season."

Both Arthur and Charles exchanged surprised glances, clearly taken aback by her detailed knowledge of the race. Charles's pride for his brother's achievements was evident on his face.

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