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Name: Harley Gabirel
Age: 22/11~44/22

Species: Human/Witch?

Appearance: Dark brown hair that falls to her upper back, brown eyes, freckled pale skin, a mix of chubby and slim.
Personality: Hardworking, Introverted but not shy, artistic, smart, imaginative, emotional, Independent, Big heart, easy going, and can't hold a grudge.

Conditions: ADHD(undionosed), Anxiety and On and off depression.

Father: Jackson Daniels
Mother: Anne Donofrio
O!Brother: Kayden Daniels
O!Sister: Daisy Daniels
Y!Sister: Chloé Daniels
Y!Brother: Liam Daniels
Maternal Grandma: Abigail Collin
Maternal G!Grandma: Penelope Gabriel

Likes: Magic, Fantasy, Animals, Nature, Music, Hogwarts, Witchcraft, the supernatural, and many other things.
Dislikes: People, Umbridge, Animal cruelty, Homophobic people, and a few other things.

House: 🦅💛 or 🐦‍⬛💙
Wand: Unknown
Patronus: Unknown
Blood Status: Unknown

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