Hare Hybrid Izuku

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"Katsuki meet Izuku!" Eijirou grins happily, gesturing to the giant hare hybrid standing next to him with a set jaw and a twitching nose with white whiskers. And by giant, I mean the supposed hybrid Izuku stands at roughly seven feet. Eijirou stands at six-two while Katsuki is five-ten. Katsuki's eyes wander down the hare's torso, eyeing the large scars across his chest, stomach, and shoulders. He's got large, floppy ears that reach down to his shoulders, and his chest has green scruff that splays out across his chest and ends between his pecs. Izuku's feet are the exact same as a normal hare's feet, and each time the hare thumps his foot Katsuki can catch a glimpse of soft, pink toe beans.

Ugh, at least he's dressed. Granted he doesn't have a shirt on but he's wearing some ugly, chunky cargo shorts.

Katsuki blinks and his eyes slowly shift over to Eijirou who was still grinning. "Why is there a seven-foot hare in our house, Eijirou?!" He asks in shock, finally stepping into the living room because he had just gotten home from work. Izuku smiles sheepishly and his shoulders shrink in, blinking owlishly at Katsuki while Eijirou rubs his neck in guilt.

"Okay, okay! Kats, I know you hate surprises but I got Izuku here to protect you!" The redhead finally steps away from the hare and gently takes Katsuki's hands. "Y'know, when I'm on trips for work n' stuff." He kisses Katsuki's knuckles and smiles fondly.

Katsuki presses his lips into a thin line, glancing past Eijirou to look at their new hybrid. He looks into Eijirou's dumb puppy eyes that glint as he pouts. Katsuki sighs, "F-Fine! Fine, fuck, but I don't need protecting, y'know?!" He huffs.

"I know, but I worry." Eijirou presses a quick kiss to the blond's lips.


"Bye Kats, I love you soooooo much!" Eijirou presses a long, cheesy kiss to Katsuki's cheek as he stands in the open doorway of their home.

Eijirou has a week-long business trip but at least this time Katsuki won't be alone for the duration. Izuku stands behind Katsuki with a blinding smile, his foot thumping while his nose twitched. He's only been here for four days but Eijirou is so nice to him! He loves living here! And Katsuki takes such good care of him and makes good food! Izuku likes his new owners very much!

Eijirou throws his arms open to give Izuku a big hug, scratching behind his ears. "Bye 'Zuku! Take care of Katsuki while I'm gone!" He winks, ignoring Katsuki's protests about being able to take care of himself.

"Bye Eiji," Katsuki says fondly, giving his boyfriend one last hug.

"Bye-bye, Kirishima!" Izuku calls as Eijirou walks to his car, waving at him with a grin.

Katsuki shuts the door and turns to Izuku, who he has slowly warmed up to over the past few days. He glances at the clock behind him, it was already four. He grunts, craning his neck to look up at Izuku. "Alright you dumb bunny, what should we make for dinner?" Izuku's ears perk slightly as he smiles and bounds away to the kitchen to look for ingredients for dinner. Katsuki follows behind him while shaking his head at the speed of the hare.


On day two of Eijirou's absence, Katsuki wakes up at exactly two-thirteen in the morning to strange noises coming from down the hall. He hears thumping and light scratches, then a bang, and some weird honking and grunting noises. He groans, cursing as he gets out of bed to check on Izuku, figuring the dumb hare couldn't sleep or something.

Katsuki trudges down the hallway, reaching Izuku's bedroom door that was down the hall. When he reaches Izuku's door, he opens it quickly, ready to shout at him to be quiet and go to sleep. His mouth snaps shut though when he sees Izuku leaning against the wall that his bed sat against, panting and sweating while he stroked his cock, his hips canting back and forth into his fist. Katsuki can't help but stare and wonder how much that thing even weighs because holy shit. He's knocked out of his trance when he hears a gasp and glowing green eyes pierce into his own.

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