Finding Mr. Right

Start from the beginning

"No one's trying to stop us." Harley smiled at you.

"Of course!." Clayface molded his arms into figures of Batman and Joker like they were puppets. "Joker has Batman and suddenly a simple crime becomes a thrilling narrative between two titans."

"Exactly." Harley nodded getting up from the couch "We need a nemesis!."

"Lex Luthor has Superman, Sinestro has Green Lantern, Psycho has his own inability to refrain from using the c-word."

"My nemesis is Wonder Woman, that cu--Okay, I see what you're saying." Pyscho said.

"That's it then, I need a nemesis." Harley looked at Ivy. "Great advice, Ive."

"No, that's 100% not--" Ivy began to speak before Harley rushed over to a computer and looked up a website.


It was the next day and Harley was checking the laptop.

"Alrighty, so our profile page on Find-a-Nemesis dot com has been up for a day and we have..." Harley checked the inbox "Zero messages?."

"Clayface, did you use my hairbrush?." Ivy came out of the bathroom, her hairbrush covered in clay.

"...No." Clayface walked to the couch, leaving clay-like footprints on the carpet.

"What the hell?." Ivy shouted. "You're messing up my apartment!."

"Your apartment? It's my apartment!." An elder man in a wheelchair opened Ivy's door, scolding, his one arm was cybernetic.

"And if your dirty circus freak friends keep messin' it up, I'm kickin' ya out, You know the rules: no pets, no noise, no commies, no d--" Ivy quickly shut the door.

"I don't know if he was gonna get racist there, but it felt like that's where it was headed."

"I thought robots were supposed to be helpful." You leaned against a wall, checking one of your guns.

"-Right?." Harley looked at you, agreeing

"He's not a robot, he's a disabled person." Ivy sighed, facepalming.

"Anyway." She looked at Clayface. "You stained all my carpeting."

"I-" Clayface tried to speak before Ivy turned to Psycho.

"You came home drunk and tried to mind-control the microwave, and burnt a hole through the countertop."

"That microwave knows what it said." Pyscho glared at the Microwave, the door fell of onto the floor, then Ivy looked at you.

"...And what did I do, oh queen of plants?." You gave her a smug smile, before she smacked you across the face.

"You made a dart board out of my kitchen wall for your knives and now it's full of holes, you took my car for a job and destroyed it, you stare at my ass constantly, you walk around in your underwear-"

"You said you liked it-" you slowly spoke, Ivy clenched her fists tightly, you realized you just fucked up, big time, before she could do anything to you, there was a knock at her door.

"Dammit, Sy! I will move the trash bins--" Ivy opened the door, to see a giant shark at the door, walking in.

"Oh my God!." Ivy shouted, quickly using her vines, you pulled out your guns aimed at the shark, Harley whacked her bat across it's head, it broke in half.

"Ow?." The shark frowned.

"Harley!." Clayface got in front of the shark. "Oh, oh, oh this is a classic misunderstanding, bat down, bat down."

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