Delightful Suprise

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As the day dawned and the sun painted the world in gentle hues, Zen began his morning routine just like any other school day. Unbeknownst to him, his cat, Mocha, tucked himself into Zen's bag. It wasn't moments later that he had grabbed it right before heading out the door, ready for another day of lessons.

Before long, Zen assumed his position at the head of the classroom, his usual mispronunciations of students' names resounding in the air as he called on them to read passages. Amid the students' readings, Mocha's curiosity got the better of him. The little cat emerged from Zen's bag and darted across the room, a silent and playful presence that only one perceptive student noticed.

Miko, ever attuned to the extraordinary, felt an unexpected tingle of awareness. Her senses heightened, she caught a fleeting glimpse of movement. A creeping feeling of apprehension washed over her, familiar with the uncanny creatures that inhabited her sight. It was then that she felt a delicate tickle on her leg, causing her to startle with surprise. Looking down, she found herself face-to-face with Zen's cat, Mocha, who seemed to have taken a liking to her. Relief mingled with amusement washed over Miko as she suppressed a laugh, realizing the source of the unexpected sensation.

As her fingers gently brushed against Mocha's soft fur, she couldn't help but smile. Suddenly, a voice of genuineness and concern filled the air,

"Miko, is everything alright?" Zen's voice, unmistakable and distinct, held a note of confusion as he addressed the scene unfolding before him.

Meeting Zen's eyes, Miko felt her surprise deepen. She hadn't noticed him approach her desk, his quiet footsteps masked by the attention Mocha had captured. Their gazes locked briefly before Miko's attention returned to the cat, who had now nestled onto her chest. She raised her hands instinctively to support him, his nuzzling against her chin eliciting a soft chuckle.

"Why do you have my cat, Miko?" Zen's questioned, his voice remaining true to his calm and straightforward manner.

Before Miko could respond, Hana's excitement filled the room. "Oh my gosh, a cat! How adorable!" Hana's delighted exclamation was infectious, rippling throughout the remainder of the class.

Zen gently guided Mocha to leap from Miko's hands onto his, resuming his place at the front as Mocha perched on his shoulder, a whimsical companion for his lesson.

It wasn't long later that the class concluded and students began to filter out. Miko and Hana found themselves trailing behind the others, being the last group out of the classroom. As they began making their way through the exit door, Mocha leaped onto Miko once more as she passed Zen on her way out, a playful reminder of their earlier encounter.

Zen met Miko's gaze with a knowing smile, their silent exchange speaking volumes. "He's quite attached to you," He simply stated, his voice carrying a hint of fondness.

"Too memorable for Mocha to forget," Miko laughed, her voice laced with her signature hint of sarcasm.

"Indeed. He seemed to have taken a liking to you," Zen's response was sincere, his lips curling into a genuine smile.

Miko stifled a laugh, looking down onto Mocha's figure in her arms. Her eyes softened, taking in Mocha's innocence and beauty. "Well, I suppose I have a fondness for the cute and mischievous."

"The feeling is mutual," Zen's voiced with an unexpected warmth, his gaze fixed onto Miko.

It reignited a connection between the two felt earlier, back in the hospital room when Miko learned of Zen's true nature, as well as the time soon after when Miko pushed for Zen to take Mocha in, even when she had to pry it away from her little brother in the process.

However, the feeling was quickly interrupted as Hana tugged at Miko's arm, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Come on, Miko, let's go shopping and eat! I'm so hungry!" Just as Hana's excitement reached its peak, Mocha sprang out of Miko's arms and back to Zen.

Miko's initial surprise quickly transformed into her typical deadpan expression, a stark contrast to Hana's excitement. "Hana, you just had lunch."

Hana pouted playfully. "But I'm always hungry! Plus, shopping and food are the perfect combo!"

With a resigned smile, Miko let herself be pulled out of the classroom by Hana's relentless enthusiasm. "Your obsession with cute animals is matched only by your appetite," Miko sighed to herself, a touch of amusement in her tone.

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