Chapter 12: Junpei

Start from the beginning

Yuji sprinted down the hall, still wearing his white-bottomed school shoes. That was the nice thing about Kenjaku East High, there was no dress code other than the shoes. No uniform to restrict him. Nothing to inhibit his form as Yuji practically flew through the hall.

By the time he made it outside, Yuji saw two other boys already harassing someone. They were too far away to make out, but the one being harassed almost looked like a girl. Yuji bolted to the scene as fast as he could. They were kicking her, no, they were kicking him.

"Does Yoshino have something to say?" one of the boys taunted with a grin.

The man on the ground coughed out his words, "Go fuck yourself."

"Sounds like Lady Yoshino needs to be put in her place again, doesn't she?" the other laughed.

Yuji wasn't going to make it. There was no way he could stop the bully's foot in time. That was just fear, Yuji told himself. No one was faster than him. The blonde intercepted the kick with one of his own–his body barricaded Junpei who lay bloodied and beaten.

Yuji shouted, "Stop!"

The other boys seemed taken aback. In that moment, Yuji was stronger than anyone. No one would stop him from pulverizing these young men who sought to hurt Junpei. Before they could react, Yuji headbutted the kicker.

Yuji whipped around, throwing a punch and hitting the accomplice. Needless to say, the other two boys turned back witnessing Yuji in action. The initial attacker had shaggy light brown hair. He fell on the ground after receiving the headbutt. What a joke? Couldn't take a single hit.

"Both of you, get the hell out of here before I beat your collective ass!" Yuji shouted.

They scrambled to their feet, leaving Yuji and Junpei behind. At least that's what Yuji wished had happened. Instead, the headbutt only caused his coordination to lapse. The second assailant punched Yuji in the stomach. Soon, the two from the fall joined in, and they were laying into Yuji. But Yuji didn't look at them; rather, he chose to see the eyes of Junpei.

He was so scared, yet so distant. The green in his eyes was swampy, almost blurred. Why would they hate Junpei so much? What had he ever done to them? Why was he so important to topple?

The voice of the paranormal club president shouted, shrill as it was. "Hey! Get off him!"

The four boys retreated, running away into the streets surrounding the school campus. They laughed as they ran. Yuji remembered their laughter. Various phrases they had said remained in his mind as well.

"Is Yoshino your boyfriend or something?"

"Blonde fuck, who do you think you are? Huh?"

Only Junpei's voice was decipherable, "Run. Run!"

It wasn't until the paranormal club president and the other club member walked outside that the men stopped. Each blow was duller and duller until they stopped feeling like anything at all. All Yuji could see was the pain in Junpei's eyes; how long had he endured that? How many years?

"Hey!" the club president shouted, in her familiar screechy voice.

The boy Yuji had headbutted was the first to back down, but not before spitting on Yuji's red-stained salmon-colored hoodie. Junpei was still; the cigarette that had been in his mouth was still lit with an orange ember as it rolled on the ground, slightly singeing Yuji's hair.

"Itadori! Hey! Itadori!" the club members shouted, but the ringing in Yuji's ears was too loud.

Junpei was frozen there. He was stuck. Yuji wondered if they had messed him up that bad. No, he may not have been a great fighter, but his body was strong. Junpei just sat there, his eyes were wide, letting more light into his forest-green irises. It was like staring into dense foliage, the antithesis of nature. They were all Yuji could see.

Trapped Behind Words: InuOkkoWhere stories live. Discover now