Is this real?

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"Will meet up after class love ❤️ so excited!!! Ciao " and send.

Y/n texted Min jae as she made her way to the last lecture for the day.

As soon as she entered the lecture hall her eyes fell on a figure waving at her enthusiastically.

She felt drained and dint have the will to engage with Jun ho so she immediately ducked and made her way to the corner most seat in the 3rd row.

Jun ho is y/n admirer, who apparently fell in love with her at 1st sight!

He was a good person but rather annoying and persistent.

Because to Y/n no other man came close to Park Jimin.

She was happy to live in her own delusional world and had no intentions of coming out of the *magic shop*

Since Jun ho already saw y/n he quickly ran and secured the seat next to her.

"Hi! I thought you'll sit with me I had saved a better seat. So what plans do you have for this weekend? I was hoping to catch this amazing movie with you. It's got good reviews..."

Jun ho continued his monologue until the professor came in while y/n had already blocked him out since he sat next to her.

The only thought swirling around in her mind was how she had to, HAD TO secure tickets for the upcoming bts concert in Seoul.

Because this might be her last chance to see them all together before they start enlisting for the army.

Haunted by the thoughts of not seeing  them, y/n somehow shook off Jun ho and ran back to the dorm.

Min jae was already set with her tabs and laptops waiting for the ticketing lines to open. The WAR was about to begin!

Y/n quickly freshened up and stationed herself infront of her devices all set for the ordeal.

It was a matter of life and death apparently.


Total chaos ensued as both y/n and Min jae typed frantically to secure tickets.

The room was alive with all kind of profanities because the site kept crashing or poor network and lost signal.

In a matter of minutes y/n lost the battle.

With a sinking feeling in her heart she saw the words written across the screen : SOLD OUT!

Y/n felt like she had been hit by a bullet as tears started streaming down her face.

She turned to Min jae as she sat stunned herself.

Y/n hugged her and kept repeating, "I'm sorry, soo sorry, we dint get it."

Min jae never spoke a word.

But instead she pointed to her laptop screen.

Confused, y/n turned around and peered at the screen with eyes still brimming with tears still.

Her vision was hazy but she saw an invoice. CONFIRMING TWO TICKETS !!

For a second there Y/n couldn't believe her eyes. Rubbed them hard and looked again.

But there is was! Bright and clear.

Min jae had done it.

She had miraculously managed to secure 2 tickets for 2 days of the concert in Seoul.

Could this really be happening? Is this a dream?

Overwhelmed with a multitude of feelings y/n hugged Min jae and both cried till late that night still unable to believe their luck!

Lady luck was finally smiling on them .💜


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