[001]~ 𝒜 𝐹𝓇𝑒𝓈𝒽 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉

Start from the beginning

"Oh. Just, call me...Sia." She didn't want to face her new friend growing feared of her if she said her real name. She'll learn eventually, so for now just...let me have this. She though. Sia was easy, a simple nickname derived from her last name. "It was lovely meeting you Lily." She smiled.

"You as well. When you board the train, come find me in the second to last compartment. I have a few friends you might like to meet as well. Bye Sia!" Lily exclaimed before running off to the bookstore across the street.

Okay. Maybe it was a good idea to come out here. The girl quickly entered Gringotts and asked if there were any funds under the name John Ambrosius. Unfortunately, there weren't any funds left from his family, not too much of a shocker. Luckily though, there was a bit of money left over from when he still lived in the wizarding world. She took it all out and went back into the street.


Clearly not enough for everything. So let's go over the fundamentals. There's books in the Library so I can live without buying those. I'll need the robes, but maybe I can save a bit and buy them second-hand. I don't really have a need for a familiar. So the only crucial purchase is the wand. I'm pretty sure Lily said Olivanders was the best shop for wands, so I'll head over there next. Then I'll stop by the second hand shop we saw just beside it for my robes. With her plan all set, the girl headed off towards Olivanders.

She walked in and heard the jingle of the bell above her. Looking around at the walls filled to the roof with wands, she struggled to find anybody in the wand shop. "Hello?" She called uncertainly. After a few moments of silence she gave up and started to walk out. Maybe they fell out of business.

As she was about to head back out the door, she finally heard a voice. "By Merlin... is that an Ambrosius I see there?"

She turned to face the strange man. "Oh. Yes, hello. I am-" she stopped abruptly when he started... sniffing the air. Snapping out of her confusion, she spoke again. "I am looking for a wand."

"Right, yes of course, who walking into this shop wouldn't be. Granted I'm sure you're quite capable on your own without one, but a wand is still a necessity, even for a child with Merlin's blessing." He spoke quick. "Let me go find a few".

He rushed out of sight before she could ask any questions. Merlin's blessing? That was one way to put it. She waited patiently until he returned swiftly.

"It's always a spectacle when a Veela enters my shop, but a Veela who also possesses the blood of Merlin, this will surely be a show." The man smiled towards her.

That just caused even more confusion. She was informed a few years back that she possessed Veela blood, surprisingly, but how could this man tell? And why was he going on about Merlin? She knew she was his descendant, but claiming she had 'Merlin's blessing' was a bit dramatic. Especially considering her... history.

He placed in her hand a long beautiful wand. "Redwood, 13.5 inches, slight flexibility, Phoenix feather core." Olivander spoke. "Give it a swish".

As he said, the girl swished the wand and...
A fire erupted on one of the tables. She was scared he would freak out at her, but he simply said "no, not this one" and grabbed another.

It felt like she had tried every wand in the place, all to no avail. She didn't get it. She always performed magic really well, but now that she was getting a wand it was as if she didn't know a single spell.

"I have one idea. It's very unlikely, I mean, I'm not even sure if it's the real one, but it's worth a shot." Olivander mumbled and rushed off. He was gone for a fair few minutes until he finally rushed back with a dusty old box in hand. "My grandfather found this wand on an expedition many many years ago. He claims he had managed to find Merlin's grave, and plucked from it his wand. Its rather stubborn and was very hard to get here so it's not shown to most people. I think though, that you may be its second master." He spoke. Olivander opened up the box to display a beautiful wand. "English oak, veela hair core, unyielding, at 10 1/4 inches... the supposed wand of Merlin." He held out the wand for her to take. She gingerly picked up the wand, suddenly feeling the power flow through her. "Yep." Olivander spoke, handing the box over to her. "A true spectacle indeed." The young girl handed the man seven galleons and headed out the door, new wand in hand.

𝔄𝔟𝔯𝔞 𝔎𝔢𝔡𝔞𝔳𝔯𝔞 ~ ᴹᴬᴿᴬᵁᴰᴱᴿˢ ᴱᴿᴬ {R.A.B.} {J.P}Where stories live. Discover now