[002]~ 𝒮𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓉 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 𝒞𝓇𝑜𝓈𝓈

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Note: McGonagall's speech is exactly the one she spoke in the Philosophers stone. Like word for word. Cool beans, onto the chapter.


It was here. Her first day of Hogwarts was finally here. For the entirety of the past week, her possessions had been packed up ready to go. Her father's usual behaviour couldn't dampen her mood. She was just so eager to finally experience what other witches and wizards her age would experience.

That morning she woke up bright and early. She checked the time and determined she still had about half an hour until she should leave.

Odessa headed off to the kitchen where she made some breakfast. She left them on a plate on the counter with a bowl of fruit nearby. She looked over to see her father passed out on the couch. Typical. She folded a blanket which she then placed at the foot of the couch so he could grab it, should he wake up cold. "Goodbye father. Maybe when I come back this time you might forgive me. Breakfast is on the counter when you wake." And with that she headed to the door.

She looked at the coat she had hanging there; It was the one Regulus covered her with when he found her in the rain. It was the one thing that kept her spirits up while thinking about going to Hogwarts. Even if Lily doesn't like me when she finds out who I am, Regulus was kind to me even knowing my past. She threw on her trainers, tossed the coat on, grabbed her bags and headed out to the train station.


Odessa arrived at Kings Cross at 10:30am. She looked around for the platform she was informed to take. The instructions didn't sound super helpful but she eventually found roughly where she was to go. There was a large wall in between platform 9 and platform 10. She was informed she should go to platform 9 3/4 but she didn't know where on earth that could be. After searching for about 20 minutes, she decided to ask a few teenagers who seemed to be around her age. "Excuse me, I was just wondering if you could help me find my platform?" She asked hesitantly.

"You... You're the child from Azkaban. Please... don't hurt us. We're just on our way." The boy pleaded.

Well at least she knew they were headed to the same train. "I promise, I mean no harm, but where exactly is platform 9 3/4?" She asked, standing a slightly further distance away.

"It- it's just through here." The frightened girl spoke. She looked around to ensure the coast was clear then ran through the wall in front of them. The boy quickly followed suit. Odessa was shocked to say the least, but not all that surprised. She noticed a policeman headed her way and ran through the same wall the two kids did. When she appeared on the other side, she was shocked to see the bustling station. Knowing she only had a few minutes left to board, she rushed onto the train and searched for a compartment.


All of them seemed to be filled. Many of the compartments she would come across, students would place their bags on the seats to take up more room so she couldn't enter. Many others just flat out refused to let her in. Odessa was about to give up and just sit in the hallway until she remembered what Lily had said. Second to last compartment. She headed to the back of the train to find her friend.

Making her way to the back of the train, she came to the second to last compartment. She gingerly knocked on the door and slid it open. "Hello?" She asked.

Sitting before her was not who she was expecting to see. Lily was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was a group of four boys who stared up at her in shock. "Oh, I'm sorry. I did not mean to interrupt you, I am just looking for my friend, Lily. She said she would be in this compartment?" The girl spoke.

𝔄𝔟𝔯𝔞 𝔎𝔢𝔡𝔞𝔳𝔯𝔞 ~ ᴹᴬᴿᴬᵁᴰᴱᴿˢ ᴱᴿᴬ {R.A.B.} {J.P}Where stories live. Discover now