Madness Combat - Engagement (Fan Made)

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The scene opens with a blank screen gradually fading to reveal a gathering of agents, engineers, and soldiers surrounding a wall. They anticipate the arrival of a new agent, their curiosity piqued by the mystery surrounding their appearance. The agent's picture remains obscured, leaving them in suspense. This new recruit, however, breaks the mold as she is a woman named "Justice E. McKinley." Her name is displayed boldly above her concealed image.

As the crowd buzzes with speculation, the Auditor passes by, catching the attention of one of the agents who decides to follow him.

Agent: Sir, are you seriously considering bringing this new agent on board?

The Auditor: It's already been decided. She'll be here in a few minutes.

Agent: But sir, a woman? Are you sure about this?

The Auditor: And why shouldn't she be a part of our agency?

Agent: Sir, this goes against what we've always believed in. How will the others react?

The Auditor: If you have a problem with it, then perhaps it's best if you leave.

Agent: Actually, I will! No, you know what? I quit! Have fun with the new agent because I won't stick around to witness her ruining our missions!

And with that, the agent departs for good. The Auditor watches him leave, unfazed by the display of dissent.


The Auditor's face appeared on the computer screen, his skeptical gaze fixed on Justice, who sat confidently in front of her own screen. The virtual meeting room was adorned with digital files and screens displaying intricate details of cases. However, Justice remained undeterred, her eyes shining with determination.

The Auditor: Good afternoon, Justice. Thank you for joining me today. I have reviewed your application and have a few questions for you. Firstly, I noticed that you possess an impressive array of combat skills and martial arts expertise. Could you please elaborate on your experience in these areas?

Justice: Good afternoon, sir. Thank you for considering my application. Regarding my combat skills, I have dedicated years of my life to mastering various forms of martial arts. From a young age, I trained rigorously, honing my techniques in hand-to-hand combat, as well as mastering the use of a wide range of weapons and firearms. I believe that my extensive training has prepared me to handle any physical challenges that may arise in this line of work.

The Auditor: Your dedication to mastering combat skills is evident. However, I must inquire about your attitude, which has been described as rude and abrupt. Can you explain this aspect of your personality and how it might affect your ability to work effectively within a team?

Justice: I appreciate your concern, sir. While it is true that I have been described as having a rude and abrupt attitude, it is important to note that this demeanor is not directed towards my superiors or colleagues. It is simply a reflection of my deep focus and intensity during missions. I believe that my dedication to achieving justice often requires me to adopt a no-nonsense approach. However, I understand the importance of teamwork and will adapt my communication style as necessary in a collaborative environment.

The Auditor: I see. It is crucial for the dynamics of any team to be harmonious and cooperative. Along with your combat skills, I am interested in understanding more about your mental fortitude. Can you provide examples of how you have demonstrated resilience and adaptability in challenging situations?

Justice: Certainly, sir. In the field, I have encountered numerous high-stress and high-risk situations that demanded quick thinking and adaptability. One particular incident comes to mind when I was cornered by a group of armed assailants. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, I remained calm and used my training to assess the situation. Through strategic maneuvering and precise execution, I was able to neutralize the threat and ensure the safety of innocent bystanders. This incident highlights my ability to remain composed under pressure and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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