4 - Apotheosis

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The episode begins with an intro, showing Hank being bandaged after being shot by Jesus at the end of "Madness Combat 2: Redeemer" ("NO REGRET"), then again being bandaged after being impaled by Jesus' sword at the ending of "Madness Combat 3: Avenger" ("NO REMORSE"), Tricky putting on an iron mask ("NO REASON"), and a short scene where Hank quickly dispatches four grunts with two pistols before firing at the viewer ("ONLY MADNESS") before ending with "SOMEWHERE IN NEVADA..."

The animation opens with Hank driving in his car towards Club M, crashing into two smokers leaning against a wall when he gets there. He then exits his car, arming himself with a suppressed M-10 and puts an M1911 in his pocket, and then he enters the club. He easily shoots his way through the guards, and gets an AK-47 after his M-10 runs out of ammo. He sets the AK-47 to "mega"— fully automatic operation— and brutally kills more grunts. He also encounters the very first 1337 agent of the series, whom he kills with a baton and steals his Desert Eagle.

He makes his way around the corner of the room, killing more grunts and obtaining a dragon sword from its owner. After killing a grunt who threatened to shoot Hank with a dropped MP5, he proceeds to the next room, killing grunts with the MP5 and an iron pipe.

In the basement of the building, Tricky is being a DJ in front of a crowd of grunts. Hank shoots Tricky from the opposite side of the room, but Tricky simply gets up and commands the grunts to have at him. Hank makes his way to Tricky, slice-and-dicing every grunt standing in his way.

Pushing the tip of his sword to Tricky's mask, Hank prepares to do what he came for and kill Tricky, but the door is suddenly smashed in - also crushing a grunt that cowered from Hank and smoked a cigarette in the meantime. To both Hank and Tricky's dismay, Jesus enters the room, accompanied by a zombified 1337 agent armed with a G36. As a message displays the "OWNAGE" counter rising to 100%, Jesus raises his hands and zombifies the entire crowd of grunts Hank just killed. The ones still able to stand up have at Hank, but he kills his way through them once again with his M1911 and sword, making his way back to the entrance of the room. Out of ammo on the M1911, Hank brandishes his katana as the zombified 1337 agent draws his gun and fires multiple rounds at Hank's body. Hank's adept agility allows him to deflect most of the bullets with the sword, but one bullet gets past his guard and hits him in the neck, startling Tricky as Hank falls to the ground.

When the zombified agent aims his gun on Hank's head to finish him, Hank quickly grabs his sword and slices the agent's head through the middle. He clashes blades with Jesus, but the Savior draws a Desert Eagle with his free hand and penetrates Hank's body with three more shots. Hank, realizing he does not have a lot of time, takes a detonator he hid out under his garment and blows himself up with a suicide bomb, killing Jesus in the process. Tricky, who was watching the fight, just shrugs and puts on the Techno Chicken Dance.


And he danced...

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