Deimos Adventure - SACRIFICE.fla

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The animation continues where CHASE.fla left off, with Deimos falling through the sky. During his fall, he pulls out and lights a cigarette, interrupted by colliding with and cratering in a floating mass of ground. A wall rises out of the ground, and Deimos climbs out of the hole to inspect his surroundings, but a chain erupts from the wall, impales Deimos in his back, and pulls him in.

The scene transitions to an office where a grunt is banging his head against a wall, interrupted by a scream and a force seizing him and smashing him against the wall, apparently making a hole from which Deimos, now lacking a lower jaw, and the chain emerge from. An A.T.P. soldat walks into the room and is bludgeoned to death with his own Automag V. Deimos continues out of the room, shooting more combatants with the pistol and a seized TAR-21, and out to the exterior of The Bakery! from Madness Combat 3. After killing the last agent, a chain appears from the sky and a person identical in appearance to Hank in MC3 falls into the ground next to it. Deimos touches the body and is overwhelmed with red images and static, stumbling backward and getting eviscerated by six chains at once.

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