Birthday (will x Damien) p1

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This will be a more than one part story. Also this is before they find Dani and Dorian.


"Damien!" William yelled, running down the hallway. They were in Monica's castle. William tripped and fell onto his face. "Oof.." he muttered.
"Will!" Damien ran towards him. "Are you okay? You're so clutzy ."Damien had his usual outfit on; a black and grey striped shirt, with a grey long sleeved shirt underneath. (See picture above for reference) Damien smiled.
"Eugh, Yeah..." William stood up. "I feel like a thousand rocks hit me." He rubbed his eyes. A small scratch showed on his forehead. What was I gonna..oh! "Damien! Monica's birthday is tomorrow, so we should plan a surprise party!" He brought his arms down to grab a small piece of paper from his pocket. "Since she's my wife now, I shall give her the best of gifts!" He smiled proudly. He gave the paper to Damien.
"Uh huh, you sure that she wants all of this stuff?" The paper read, "frog legs, rotten milk, lizard piss, and a 15 year old cat's fur." Damien held back a snicker.
"Huh? Lemme see that," William grabbed the paper and squinted his eyes. "Oh, this is also for Monica! She thinks she found a spell to fix Dani and maybe Dorian if we find him." He reached into his other pocket and pulled out a paper the size of a cat. "This should be the actual paper." Will look through it to make sure. He stopped at the bottom and narrowed his eyes. He took a deep breath and his eyes went back to normal. "Alright, let's go shopping now." Damien raised one eyebrow.
"Will, do you really think that we'll find him?" Damien looked at the ground as they walked towards the exit. William glanced back and frowned.
"Well, it's been 3 years, but I'm sure we can find him!" William smiled. A small blush crossed his face.
"Yeah," Damien looked away. "So where do we need to go?" He looked back up at William.
"Well, the store across the street should have some novels she's been wanting to read." William steps outside onto the grass and sighs. "I can't wait to drink a bottle of wine later tonight." He stared at the sun.
"What the fuck, Will! You can't drink tonight! You're king now, you have duties that need to be met!" Damien shouted, walking onto the Pavement next to William. "Isn't Monica's party tomorrow? You can't show up all drunk or shit!" Damien stepped closer to William so they were just inches apart. Damien now looked like a tomato as his eyes narrowed in anger.
William faced Damien. "Ugh, you're right. But it's just one cup!" He smirked at the white haired male. "Remember last time? You drank one cup too!"
Memories flashed in Damien's mind. "Yeah, I remember. You were so drunk, you could barely stand up!" Damien's blush grew.
"Oh yeah, but wasn't there something else?" William took a step back and put his finger on his chin to signal thinking. Before he could say anything else, Damien grabbed his hand and quickly ran towards the store.
"Well, let's hurry this up." Damien ran to the aisle with books for teens and adults. He squatted down and started grabbing books and flipping through the pages. Will stood there, staring.
"I think she mostly likes romance novels." He said, winking. Damien just nodded, not noticing Wills gesture. Will frowned. He walked towards Damien and looked at books as well. "Ooh!" Will nearly shouted. "I think she'll like this one!" The book title read "The Sun and The Moon." The cover showed a woman with dark green eyes and orange hair, wearing a sunset colored dress similar to Monica's, and a taller male with brown hair, brown eyes, and a slight blush on his cheeks. He had an embarrassed look on his face, yet he seemed happy. The female was waving towards someone out of the shot, and the male was glancing at his hands, since he was holding the girl's hand.
"Oh." Damien's expression changed to stress. "Are you sure? What if she already has that book? What if..." He rambled on and on. Will grabbed his cheeks.
"Damien, shut up." Will smiled. Damien's face turned bright red, as he quickly pushed Will away.
"Will! Youre such a fucking idiot!" Damien yelled. "What if someone saw that! You're King now, Will! You're married now. Monica will be furious if she finds out you were acting like this with other people!"
Will chuckled. He thought for a minute whether to tell Damien about it or not. He looked at Damien seriously."Damien, Monica told me that she doesn't want to have a romantic relationship with me. She doesn't want to sleep with me, like, ever. " He trailed off. Damien looked shocked. His eyes were as big as plates.
"Damn, bro really will never get bitches." Amir whispered, spying on Will and Damien from behind the aisles.
"What was that?" Aisha replied, grabbing two different kinds of cereal.
"Oh, nothing, Aisha!" Amir smirked. "Hey Will!" Amir ran up behind him and patted his shoulder.
"Oh hey, Amir!" Will responded. He glanced over to Damien and found him walking away to pay for the book.
"Anyways, I think we should have a sleepover at Monica's castle for her birthday!" Amir continued. "That way, we'll be there to comfort her when she's sad about Dani and Dorian!" He kept talking while Will tried to get out of his grasp,but miserably failed.
Amir, kindly shut the fuck up"Amir, I need to go." Will said, grabbing Amir's hand and setting it to his side. "We'll talk later?" Will ran towards the exit to find Damien. He shakes his head and finally finds Damien walking towards a library. This library was sorta different from others. There were always witches flying around and teenagers smoking weed. No kids under 16 were allowed.
"Damien!" Will yelled. He caught up to Damien and took multiple deep breaths.
"Oh, hey." Damien responded, walking up the grey steps up to the castle-like building. "Uh, I was just going to hang out with somebody for this... " he thought for a minute. "Er, it's for Dani and Dorian. They think they found something to help us." He pointed towards the second floor. That was where the study and private rooms were. Sure, he was lying, but it was actually for William's sake. Damien actually had no hope for Dorian, but he couldn't tell Will that, could he? He actually wanted to read up on potions for Monica, as a birthday present. He wanted to give her a book of other potions she never tried.

A/n Thank you for reading this! As I said earlier, this will be a multiple part story so I'm think at least 3 parts! I'm so sorry about have a hiatus or whatever it's called! I got two new cats and transfered to a new school! Both of the cats are devils tho loll. I'm trying to update every week at the end of Friday or early Saturday. I'm still gonna put how many words at the end of my stories for those who want it for some reason(??)
Good night/morning!
Words: 1218

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