★ 35 ★

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"so how was the doctors?" Chan asked

"they did nothing! literally!" Lee Know complained

"what did they do?"

"they cleaned it up and just wrapped his neck...that's nothing! he's still in pain!"

"mmm....maybe it will work?"

Lee Know groaned and threw himself onto the couch. "sometimes I hate this country..." he pouted and crossed his arms


it was a few weeks later, Seungmin's scar had faded away now

Seungmin was looking at himself in the mirror. he was wearing some gray sweatpants with a black crop top. he had one of Lee Know's sweaters wrapped around his waist

he kept staring at his reflection, negative thoughts filling his head

"why am I like this?

does he actually love me?

I'm not pretty.

I look disgusting.

maybe I should lose more weight?..

no, that would make things worse...

but maybe it would help?..."

there was a knock at the door. Seungmin felt tears in his eyes as he opened the door. it was Lee Know


the younger quickly clinged onto the older and started crying, "M-Min..." he let out a small sob after

Lee Know wrapped his arms around Seungmin's waist and placed one of his hands on the back of the younger's head as he continued to cry into his shoulder

he brung Seungmin over to the bed and sat on the edge. he had the younger standing between his thighs. he was gently carressing the younger's waist as he was clinging onto his shirt, letting the soft fabric wrinkle between his fingers. Lee Know brung Seungmin onto his lap as he continued to let out sobs and hiccups

soon enough, Seungmin was able to calm down, his breathing getting even. he took a deep breath, his body still convulsing inhales every so often

"you wanna tell me what's wrong now, darling?"

Seungmin felt shivers go though his whole body remembering his negative thoughts from before. he didn't want to tell his boyfriend he was being insecure again. Lee Know thought he reassured Seungmin that he was 'perfect' so he didn't have to worry anymore, but the younger knew he wasn't going to get over his looks that easily

"mm..." he started fidgeting with his fingers as he was still sitting on the other's lap

"you can tell me when your ready then."

Seungmin gave him a soft smile before laying his head on his shoulder and hugging him. Lee Know hugged back, flopping himself backwards into the bed, making the younger let out a small laugh. he laid next to him, cuddling up into his side and slowly drifting to sleep soon after

the older looked at the beauty that was in front of him

"oh darling....I know why.."

Insecurities // 2min ✓Where stories live. Discover now