The Pool

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I'm on my way to English lit right now. Last class of the day before soccer training. I walk into the classroom with my AirPods in, not looking forward to this lesson. I take a seat near the back and take out my notebook. I'm re-reading my lyrics when I feel somebody tap my shoulder. I turn my head to find Tara standing next to me smiling. I take my AirPod out "hey" I say, smiling lightly. "Hey, mind if I sit here?" She asks, pointing to the desk next to me. I nod my head, putting my notebook away and grabbing my English lit books.

During the class I see someone place something in my desk. I look and find a folded piece of paper. With my eyebrows furrowed I open it to find a little note.
Come over whenever you're done with soccer, we're gonna be in the pool. - Tara <3
I look up and to my left to see Tara looking at me waiting for my answer. I nod my head and mouth an 'okay' before going back to doing my work.

With Kaitlyn and I being co-captains we told the girls to just do drills this practice. Kaitlyn and I kicking the ball to each other messing around. "Bro, we're gonna be hanging by the pool. What am I gonna do? Literally no one knows about the thing" i mutter, stressing out about what I'm gonna do. "Y/n, just relax. It's all gonna be fine. Me and Mindy will be there to help you" she says reassuringly as she kicks the ball. "Let's practice offence" i say going towards the goal. Kaitlyn following behind. While she's walking up to me she looks around "guess who's here" she says in a singsong tone. "What?" I mumble looking over to the bleachers seeing Mindy with Tara and their other friends. Mindy sees me looking and waves with a thumbs up. I wave giving her the finger, smiling before going back to training.

Kaitlyn and I taking turns. One of us being the goalie and the other kicking. Right now I'm in the goal defending when I hear Kaitlyn yell "go easy on me, please" "we'll see" i say smiling devilishly. I blocked every goal she tried to score. I'm looking around waiting for Kaitlyn to let me know she's ready again but instead I hear her yell out to me "Y/n, watch out" as I turn my head I see the ball hurling towards me and it's too late for me to move or stop it. The ball goes flying into my dick. "Damn" i mutter bending over trying to bare with the pain without being suspicious. "I am so sorry, are you okay?" She says rushing over to me. "Yeah no, I'm fine" I say, my voice strained as if I've been winded.

We've just pulled up to Tara's place, and to say I'm nervous is an understatement. "Just breathe. It's gonna be fine" Kaitlyn says, putting her hand on my shoulder reassuringly. I take a deep breathe before knocking on their front door. When the door opening I'm met with a woman who isn't Tara. "Uh, hello? Who are you? She says, suspiciously. "Hi, sorry. We're friends? Of Tara's. She invited us over" I said, unsure. I look over to Kaitlyn lost in her own world looking at her feet. I quickly elbow her to break her out of the trance. "Huh? Oh uh yeah sorry, is this the right house?" Kaitlyn mumbles, looking up briefly before looking back at the welcome mat under her feet. Just as Sam was about to speak it was if god had sent Tara himself. She came over to whoever this woman is. "Sam, stop being so weird, these are my friends Y/n and Kaitlyn" she says smiling warmly at us before grabbing my hand, dragging us in and through the house to the back yard. "Who's that?" I ask politely, feeling very nervous. "That's my sister, she's only like 3 years older so don't mind her" she says, still holding my hand.

As we walk outside I soon spot Mindy off to the side with a joint inbetween her lips. I beeline over to her while Kaitlyn says hi to the others. I take the J from her and take a couple hits, holding the smoke in for as long as I can. "Thank god you're here" I mumble. "Well I mean, don't call me your saviour or anything" Mindy says fake flipping her hair dramatically. "I was talking about the J" I said with an eyebrow raised. We both start laughing as she calls me an ass. "So where's Charles?" I ask handing the joint back to her. She laughs "don't let him hear you say that, he'll tell mum" she takes a hit before continuing. "He couldn't come, says that football practice is running long but we know he's with Liv" she says in a matter of fact manner.

"Wanna get in the water? I promise you'll be fine" Kaitlyn says from beside me. I think about it for a moment before I reluctantly agree, not really believing her. I take my shirt off, leaving me in shorts and a sports bra before getting into the pool. "So, Y/n it looked like you got hurt today during training" I hear Tara say, everyone's attention turning to me. Nervously I look around before nodding my head "not really. I was fine after a couple minutes" I reply, looking at Kaitlyn or Mindy for help. "With the way you reacted it seemed like you have a dick" Amber said accusingly. "Hahah no that's- I- no- that'd be weird. I-if I had a dick" I say anxiously, hoping the conversation changes soon. "It hit her stomach, I kicked it pretty hard" Kaitlyn says, saving me from myself. I let a breathe out, not knowing I was holding it in.

A few hours pass and it's now nighttime. Everyone's gone inside to get changed but I stayed out by the pool for a little. Sitting on the edge, with my feel in the water. I'm sitting out there in my own head until I feel someone sit down beside me. I turn to look and find Sam, Tara's sister. "Sorry for the whole thing at the front door. I'm not really good with new people." She admits looking at the water below her. "It's fine, I understand completely. Sometimes you really can't trust someone" I say assuring her that everything is fine. "How long have you known Tara?" She asks, looking at me. I reciprocate the eye contact before speaking. "We've only been friends? I guess for a couple weeks. But we've gone to school together since preschool I think" I admit, not looking away. "Why do you seem so nervous?" She asks, suspicion written on her face. "You're staring into my eyes and you're really pretty" I mumble, looking away. She laughs before squeezing my shoulder lightly standing up. "Nice to meet you, Y/n" she says before walking inside.

I sigh getting up, making my way in so I can get changed. "Hey, T, where can I get changed?" I asked walking up to her. "Just go into my room. It's only one on the left upstairs" she says with a smile before going back to talk to Amber. I walk in looking around. This is definitely her room. As I'm getting changed I hear a camera clock. I look around confused, not seeing anybody there. I shake it off thinking I was just hearing things.

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