Somebody else?

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We're on winter break right now. My moms back from her trip but she's sick. She says she got a cold while she was away. I'm not sure if I believe her though. Kaitlyns officially moved in, her mom hasn't come back so we think she might've left. She doesn't seem fazed by it. Said that she's 'been waiting for it'. I haven't really spoken with Tara outside of the group hangouts. We've kinda drifted over the months and so has my feelings towards her. I've started developing a crush on Serenity. We've been spending a lot of time together.
Mom likes her but is still asking about Tara which is awkward.

I'm getting ready for my shift at the restaurant I work at. It's kinda fancy, I have to admit. But they pay good and give me a lot of shifts. I get my uniform on and head out to say bye to everyone. "Bye guys. I should be home around 11 but I'll keep you updated" I say, grabbing the car keys and leaving. I've been using moms car while I get enough money together to buy my own.

It's 9:50 now and I've got 10 minutes left of my shift. I'm taking plates out to tables when my manager comes over to me. "Hey, Y/n, when you're done, can you please go serve that table" he says, pointing to a family. I nod my head giving this table their food before walking over. "Good evening. Welcome to (insert restaurant name). I'm y/n and I'll be your server tonight" i say with a smile looking up from my notepad locking eyes with Serenity. She smiles bright "Y/n, I didn't know you worked here." She says, not paying any mind to her family. "I've been here for a few months" I admit, talking to her as if we're the only 2 people in the room. I break out of my trance "are you guys ready to order or would you like a moment?" I ask, looking at her family, now becoming nervous. They smile ordering their food, saying they're waiting for Caesar to show up.

I walk away with their order hearing her mom ask "is that the y/n you're always talking about?" I smile to myself giving the chef the note before going and making their drinks and taking them back over. "When do you finish?" Serenity's mom asks. "I finish now, ma'am. My shift just ended" I admit with a small smile. "Would you care to join us? We insist." Her dad says, smiling as his wife leans into him lovingly. I nod my head accepting the invitation before I go off to clock off and grab my things. I message my mom and let her know I'm staying late before making my way back to their table.

I've been sitting with serenity and her family for 40 minutes now talking while they had their late dinner. Her parents confessing that after this, they have to leave for a business trip and they wanted to spend time as a family before they head off. Caesar finally showed up, him and I catching up. He knows that I like his sister so he's been saying some dumb things, embarrassing me. "So, Y/n tell us about your family. Mom? Dad? Siblings?" Tony, their dad asks. "No siblings and my dad walked out when I was 3. So it's just me and my mom" I admit, smiling sadly. I feel serenity place her hand in mine, entwining them together, her thumb softly brushing over my knuckle. I feel my stomach do flips.

It's 11:30pm, Tony and Anna left not long ago. Caesar said he's off to his girlfriends for the night. And Serenity had nothing on so here we are, walking through a park together. "It was nice meeting your parents" i say, smiling. "They've been wanting to meet you for a while. I talk about you a lot" she answers shyly. I stop walking, turning to her. "I think it's cute that you talk about me, sweetheart" I say, putting loose strands of hair behind her ear. She smiles shyly, looking up at me. We hold eye contact for what feels like eternity. Getting lost in her rich brown eyes. I clear my throat turning away "they love me, huh?" I say, breaking the tension. She rolls her eyes " shut up" she mutters smiling before turning my head, bringing me in for a kiss. I felt the world stop, getting lost in the tender kiss. Her arms wrapping around my neck & mine around her waist. We pull away, our lungs burning for air. I pull her into me, going in the kiss her again, not getting enough. I smile into the kiss, resting my forehead against hers. "I've been wanting to do that for a while" she admits, smiling. "Me too. I can't get enough of you" I mumble, kissing her deeply again.

We decide to start heading back to the car, ready to take her home. The car filled with comfortable silence as I drive towards her house. "Do you wanna stay tonight?" She asks out of nowhere. "Sure" I say, intertwining our hands as I drive. We arrive at hers safely. I get out and open the door for her, she thanks me and leans me into her house. We go to her room and she grabs some clothes for bed "I'm gonna go get changed in the bathroom" she says, kissing me before running off. I sigh, falling back on her bed smiling. It doesn't last long when I remember that I have to tell her about my condition. She comes out of the bathroom smiling happily until she sees my face. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asks, coming and standing in front of me. "I have to tell you something but I don't want it to change how you feel about me" i mutter, playing with my hands anxiously. "What's going on, babe?" She asks, crouching down and grabbing my hands. "I was born with a dick" I mumble, barely audible. "Is that it?" She asks, smiling. I look up at her confused, nodding my head. "Y/n seriously. That doesn't change the way I feel about you." She admits, resting her hand on my cheek. I lean into it, closing my eyes. I sigh deeply, bringing her in for a sweet kiss. "Be my girlfriend" i mumble against her lips. She smiling bright nodding her head. "Of course". I smile wide, kissing her before standing up. "I need some shorts" I say, smiling awkwardly. She leaves the room and comes back a minute later with some shorts. "Use Caesars, he won't care" she says handing them to me.

I head into the bathroom to get changed and do anything I need to before sleeping. I get out and see she's already under the covers, waiting for me. I walk over, and slip in behind her. She moves back slightly so we're pressed up against each other. She reaches back and grabs my arm, bringing it over her body. "Goodnight" I mumble, kissing her head before falling into a deep sleep

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