Most Wonderful Time of Year

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Christmas was coming, and the whole Halstead-Upton family was excited. It had started snowing most days in Chicago, which they were excited about (but secretly dreading as cops), and Ava was already obsessed with playing in the snow and the Christmas tree they had up in the living room. It wasn't even decorated yet and she was so fascinated by the whole thing.

"We decowate an watch a movie or music, right?!" Ava asked excitedly when Jay and Hailey brought down the remaining boxes of decorations.

"That's right, baby! Music and decorations!" Hailey was loving this, it was like Christmas was a whole new thing with the curious toddler who hadn't really done much for it before.

The family spent the entire afternoon decorating and listening to music and dancing around the living room. Jay even put lights on outside the house. Ava was obsessed with all things Christmas, except Santa, she was very skeptical about Santa they were quickly learning.

After decorating and allowing Ava to put the tree topper on, which Hailey snapped many pictures of, they did Ava's bath time and made taco soup for dinner, which they ate in the living room (with towels down so Ava (and Jay) wouldn't accidentally stain the furniture) and began introducing Ava to some of the Christmas classics. They started with Frosty the Snowman, the cartoon version of The Grinch, and Rudolph.

"They mean! I don like!" Ava cried out during Rudolph. Jay pulled her into his lap and rubbed her back.

"It's gonna be good, baby, we promise," he said and Ava looked over at Hailey, seeming to doubt Jay's words.

"I promise, it will be good baby. They realize they shouldn't have been mean to him. I had a hard time with this one my first time seeing to too," Hailey reassured her and Ava nodded and stuck her thumb in her mouth.
Hailey left out the part where she was 16 the first time she saw Rudolph and it had upset her, Ava didn't need to know that.

By the end of the show, Ava was smiling and half asleep, so they put her to bed and watched Four Christmases together until they were ready for bed. It was only December 1, and they were eagerly awaiting the month ahead of them with their little girl.
December 3 had Hailey stopping at several stores with Ava to pick up the perfect Christmas pajamas for the whole family to wear. Ava was obsessed with Christmas trees, so they finally found some with a white background and green trees all over them that were very footie pajamas for Ava and fitted ones for Hailey, and button up for Jay. Ava was so excited and insisted on carrying the bag to the car. Hailey also got Ava some other Christmas themed footie pajamas so she could start wearing them earlier, the little blonde was so excited.

They went home and started making dinner together, Ava talking about her new pajamas with Jay when he got home.

"Do you want to go ahead and take your bath and put some on?" He asked and Ava bounced in her seat on the counter, super excited.

"Yes yes yes!!!" She cheered and Jay scooped her up, tickling her as he walked upstairs after kissing Hailey.

Jay gave Ava a bath and dressed her in her pale pink footie pajamas with candy canes on them and she was beyond happy while he combed her hair. When they went back downstairs, Jay could see it had started snowing pretty hard, which Ava got excited about. She really loved all things winter, they wondered how long that would last with the potential snow till March in Chicago.

"Mama! Look!" Ava called as she wiggled out of Jay's arms and ran to Hailey.

Hailey put down the spoon she was using to stir the mac and cheese and bent down to Ava's height with a smile. "I see! You look so pretty!" Hailey pulled Ava into a hug and kissed her cheek.

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