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(AN: not sure if I already mentioned it, but this story is set technically at the beginning of season 6! Do with that what you will on what this may be connected to;))

Ava didn't sleep well that night. She kept waking up screaming from nightmares, then would panic because she'd need to be changed and didn't want anyone to be mad. It pained Hailey; it was almost like she was watching her younger self because she'd struggled with bed wetting and the fear that came with it. Her and Ava's father hated it, which was ironic because the fear he induced in them caused it.

By 5 AM, Ava was a mess. She was so tired, her whole body hurt, she was scared, and she wanted her mom to come back. Unfortunately, she knew and understood that this wouldn't be happening, so when she couldn't take being in the bed alone anymore, she reached out to Hailey.

"Do you want me to hold you?" Hailey asked, going over to the bed. Ava nodded and moved, hating that it hurt her body. She just wanted comfort.

Hailey had already been told they could hold her, they just had to be careful with her ribs. So she very gently lifted the small toddler off the bed and into her arms, tearing up when Ava's casted hand clung to her shirt while her thumb returned to her mouth. Hailey knew there were some injuries on her back, so she was careful as she brought a hand up to rub it while she swayed. Ava dropped her head to Hailey's shoulder as she cried, and Jay grabbed the blanket that belonged to her and draped it over her back to help keep her warm.

Slowly, Ava calmed down and began to relax in her sister's arms. Hailey could feel the tension leaving her tiny body so she started walking around the small room as she rubbed Ava's back, eventually lulling her back to sleep. What Hailey didn't know was Jay had snapped several photos of them.

"She's passed out, Hail. Do you want to lay her down?" Jay asked, grinning at his wife. He could tell she was glad Ava had initiated physical contact with her and felt comfortable enough to fall asleep in her arms.

"No, it'll wake her up if I move her. She's super light, so I'll keep holding her. I'm going to try sitting down in a few minutes though," Hailey kept walking around, then stood infront of Jay, swaying.

"I'll leave in a few and go get some stuff for us and pick up breakfast. What should I get for her?" He asked, not at all sure what to get a toddler for breakfast.

"Try fruit, eggs, dry cereal, yogurt, but not much else until she can tell us what she wants to eat. I know my mom would have fed her those things so they're probably safe."

Jay kissed her before leaving to go get clothes and food. Hailey managed to sit down and recline a chair without waking Ava, so she was able to relax and even fall back asleep for a while.

Ava didn't have another nightmare in the two and a half hours that Jay was gone, but she was awake when he walked back into the room. He paused when she saw him and waved, getting a slight wave in response but she didn't do much else. Hailey was still asleep.

Jay slowly walked over and sat down in the other chair, setting everything down on the floor. "Hi," he whispered.

"Hi," she spoke around her thumb, her uninjured eye wide.

"Are you hungry?" She watched him for a minute then nodded slowly, her head still pressed to Hailey's chest, which woke the older blonde.

"Mmm, morning," Hailey yawned, looking at Jay then down to Ava.

"She's hungry," Jay told his wife and she sat Ava up, getting several whimpers in response to the change in position.

"I'm sorry, Aves, I know it hurts. I bet you can have some medicine after you eat," Hailey soothed, getting a sad whine in response. Ava was hurting.

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